Hear Dubya try to usea 4-syllable word!!!!(not once but twice Sept 12, 2000) How many syllables in "subliminal"? Hear George try again !
(RATS! If those MP3s won't play, try these WAV files.)
Hear Dubya try to saya 3-syllable word!!!! Can you say "integral"? (.wav)
And let's not forget theSept 29, 2000 campaignpledge about reducing powerplant emissions (admissions?) of "Carbon BenOxide"! (.wav)
A drug-damaged damaged brain is nota pretty sight -- or sound or sound!NEW 2004 DIAGNOSIS: Bad Brain Should this man be allowed to watchTV and eat pretzels at the same time? Try to not get any "food on your family"! (.wav) "The education president"? I don't think so.The same nonsense slipped out again in 2004
Try to not get any "food on your family"! (.wav)
"The education president"? I don't think so.
Another broken campaign pledge (.wav)
Terrorists bombed "a buildings"!!! (.wav)
...taking time off from his very popular (butself-declared and thus illegal) little war, Dubyawas "so confident about the securities condition"that he decided to came to the olympics!!! (.wav)
...but when it came time to put a halt tostock fraud by corporate wheeler-dealers,and Dubya was asked about his own mistakes(including failure to report his insider sale ofHarken Energy stock just before it plummeted),he reverted to his tongue-tied ways, inventingthe word malfeaance, and referring to "a honestdisagreement about, uh, accounting procedures!"(.wav)
Evidently it was "a complicated tragsaction"! (.wav)
...since then, practically everyappearance and utterance has beencarefully staged (or cancelled!!!)(video, plus how this revelation was disreported) Aug'03 - New tactic: Speak to an empty room!
July 2003:dubya visits the nation (sic) of Africa dubya says he fully understands that "we needto produce evidence" (of WMDs in Iraq)
dubya says he fully understands that "we needto produce evidence" (of WMDs in Iraq)
August 2003:dubya says people should besuspicious of his administration
October 2003:dubya says people should pay noattention to that man behind the curtain dubya is too clever to belimited by the english language dubya is too clever to befooled by a trick question
dubya is too clever to belimited by the english language
dubya is too clever to befooled by a trick question
December 11, 2003:dubya continues to bean international scofflaw(video or you can go here andmanually advance yourReal Player to 14:53)
July 13, 2004:dubya saysthe American PeopleAre Safer
August 5, 2004:dubya admits henever stops thinkingabout new ways to harmthe American People
August 11, 2004:As a bookend to dubya's 4-yr-old crackabout limiting freedom, now dubya says"it's one thing to have justice,it's another thing to gooverboard with justice"(video)
the best darn Bush 2004 campaign film!
October, 2004:Once lies pass for truth,truth becomes known ase-x-a-g-g-e-r-a-t-i-o-n
can you say proselytize?
2005 was a very bad yearfor President Bullsh!t.He did not invent asingle new word. Worse,some truth leaked out!
2006, and Bush still makessense, to himself, anyway.
Old Global Warming Bush is a poet and doesn't know it! But Washington Post writer Richard Thompson hadrecognized Dubya's hidden talent and compiled someof the more memorable utterances into a poem titled"Make the Pie Higher": I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that human beings and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize Society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!
I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that human beings and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize Society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!
To be fair to Dubya, he's not only a poet, but he was also sort of a "military aviator".
Making sense of bushspeak Slap some sense into the Supreme Court Thieves(slap link dead Aug 2002 REBORN 2003) A Layman's Guide to the S.C. decision How the election was stolen long before the vote!(Censored by U.S. media) Dressin' Up Dubya By now everyone's heard of the "axis of evil",but check out the Scorecard Of Evil! Why would Dubya quash the 9/11 investigation ??UPDATE: cnn's quash story quashed early 2003!!!UPDATE2: read cnn's surviving (similar) quash storyless-damning alternatemore-damning alternate Bush's all-time most incriminating quote Daily Protest! Meet Bush's Hit Man Bill Moyers' perspective on the 2002 electionAn even more revealing explanationplus one hell of a 'coincidence' Those who cast the votes decide nothing;those who count the votes decide everything. Some Imported News(what the U.S. media failed to mention!) MORE CENSORIED-IN-USA STORIES: Documentary: The Making Of The Terror Myth Racketeering lawsuit against Defendant Bush Another lawsuit against Defendant Bush The Bush family's Nazi connections Free MP3s byThe Compassionate ConservativesMore free MP3s, from Supaclean Some more bushisms YOUR TAX DOLLARS (the charming John Ashcroft?) AT WORK !!! This web page has been visited by the U.S. Department Of Justice: wdcsun7.usdoj.gov on 4/30/01 at 16:22:10 EDT using Mozilla/4.5 [en] Win95; U du-252.31.dialup.usdoj.gov - 6/20/02 - 11:08:22 - Mozilla/4.0 compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95 wdcsun30.usdoj.gov on 7/06/03 at 14:54:13 EDT using Mozilla/4.79 [en] Windows NT 5.0* wdcsun27.usdoj.gov on 5/21/04 at 14:00:21 EDT using MSIE 5.5 Windows NT 5.0 wdcsun26.usdoj.gov on 8/19/04 at 10:23:45 EDT using MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 4.0 wdcsun24.usdoj.gov on 8/31/04 at 09:49:41 EDT using MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.0 wdcsun19.usdoj.gov - 10/29/04 - 13:57:44 EDT using MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; DOJ3jx7bf *Good to know he's using government resourcesto track down the hundreds of links from http://linkcrusader.com/anti-bush.htmon his own time (on a Sunday)! Speaking of taxes, remember the Bush Tax Plan? (proposed IRS form 1040W) PAGE 2
A Layman's Guide to the S.C. decision
How the election was stolen long before the vote!(Censored by U.S. media)
Dressin' Up Dubya
By now everyone's heard of the "axis of evil",but check out the Scorecard Of Evil!
Why would Dubya quash the 9/11 investigation ??UPDATE: cnn's quash story quashed early 2003!!!UPDATE2: read cnn's surviving (similar) quash storyless-damning alternatemore-damning alternate
Bush's all-time most incriminating quote
Daily Protest!
Meet Bush's Hit Man
Bill Moyers' perspective on the 2002 electionAn even more revealing explanationplus one hell of a 'coincidence' Those who cast the votes decide nothing;those who count the votes decide everything. Some Imported News(what the U.S. media failed to mention!)
MORE CENSORIED-IN-USA STORIES: Documentary: The Making Of The Terror Myth Racketeering lawsuit against Defendant Bush Another lawsuit against Defendant Bush The Bush family's Nazi connections
Free MP3s byThe Compassionate Conservatives
More free MP3s, from Supaclean
Some more bushisms
*Good to know he's using government resourcesto track down the hundreds of links from http://linkcrusader.com/anti-bush.htmon his own time (on a Sunday)!