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I was a voracious reader until I had a baby. They suck up all your free reading time with picture books about trains, planes, and automobiles. I did find time to read Dick Marcinko's series of books about the Navy Seals. I thought he was a great writer; however, when I got the books on tape (he read them) I thought they were terrible. My imagination is much more creative than Dick's voice. During my years of domestic and international travel with my company I became a HUGE trashy romance novel reader. I don't read them as much now but during those LOOONG stays in airports they sure were helpful.

Some of the books I've loved reading:

Any book by the Rogue Warrior
Any Book by Diana Gabaldon
I like to build my website and find fun graphics to put on all the pages. Soon I would like begin making some of my own graphics. I also like to find creative new ways to build webpages (e.g., dropdown menus, etc.) I have no formal training in programming but I find HTML to be intuative and I use AceHTML 4 Freeware to build my pages. The internet has such a vast quantity of shared information that I've been able to develop this whole site with no outside help. I'm sure it shows to the professional but I'll just keep improving it as I learn more about coding.

Here are some links that I find useful:

Ace HTML 4 Freeware
ULTIMATE DROP DOWN MENU v3.8.4 by Brothercake
Graphics sets
Awesome Clip Art

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www.pcisys.net/~derrica   v.2001-2003