Pictures from Kentucky

This picture is friends of mine in Princeton KY. I went to college with Darryl who is on the far left in the botto row. Jason is his younger brother (wearing the Japan Shirt). I am right behind Darryl.

A picture after a good rainstorm in Princton, Kentucky in front of Jason's trailer. It was taken on the weekend of Jun 8, 1996.

Picture taken on the weekend of April 13, 1996 at the Kentucky State Prison at Lake Barkley in Western Kentucky. Most people who are there are on a 20 year lease with the state.

Picture taken on the same weekend at Kentucky Lake not to far from I-24 in Western KY.

Picture taken on the same weekend at Jason's trailer. It is amazing how much trailer home have come since they came out. It is pretty nice considering my opinion is tainted against trailers.

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Last Updated : May 18, 1998
(c)1996 by Brad Cuppy