Airport Card
I picked up another iBook 500 MHz model. This time, I decided to load
the Power PC version of OpenBSD 3.7. OpenBSD is the exclusive operating
system on the machine since it only has a 10 GB Hard Drive.

Loading and getting OpenBSD to run on the iBook is kind of tricky. Here is how
I got it to work. When you boot off the OpenBSD boot disk for macppc which
was CD 2, you have various options to load. You go through various options
which I picked the default. Further down, you have the option of using HFS or
MBR to setup the hard drive.
I picked the 'MBR' option. You then go into a special fdisk program and pick
the "b" option. You won't quite get the full disk to partition even though
have the drive exclusively for OpenBSD. You have to do some tweaking to get
the whole drive. once you are done, you partition with "disklabel". Below
is what is looks like with disklabel.
root@ibookBSD:/usr/ports # disklabel /dev/wd0c
# using MBR partition 3: type A6 off 3024 (0xbd0) size 16511040 (0xfbf040)
# /dev/wd0c:
type: ESDI
disk: ESDI/IDE disk
label: TOSHIBA MK1017GA
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 16383
total sectors: 19640880
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
drivedata: 0
16 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 18984639 2049 4.2BSD 2048 16384 328 # Cyl 2*- 18835
b: 654192 18986688 swap # Cyl 18836 - 19484
c: 19640880 0 unused 0 0 # Cyl 0 - 19484
i: 2048 1 MSDOS # Cyl 0*- 2*
There will a special "i" partition. that is required and take the first 1 MB
of the drive. After you are done with the disklabel program, you load the
different items and then when you are finished, you will need to copy the
file "ofwboot" from the CD (mount /dev/cd0c /mnt2) to the "i" partition
(mkdir /mnt1;mount /dev/wd0i /mnt1).
Copy with "cp /mnt2/ofwboot /mnt1".
The fun part is getting the machine to boot into OpenBSD. Reboot the machine
and as soon as you hear the familiar Apple chime, simultaneously press
[Option][Command][F][O]. The [Command] key is next to the
space bar on each side with the Apple symbol on it. This gets you into
OpenBoot. The next thing you want to do is type out the command
setenv boot-device hd:,ofwboot /bsd
which allows you to boot into openBSD. If it comes to something like
"boot or Exit" then type"/bsd" and hit . Once OpenBSD is booted,
log in as root and then do a
ln -s /bsd /boot
since when it first boots, it is looking for the "boot" file.
X Window by default works. However, the depthis set at 8 bits based upon
the framebuffer. There is no XF86Config file since it runs
off the framebuffer.
If there is anyone familiar to tweak the framebuffer such as changing the
DefaultDepth to something like 16 or 24 bits, please e-mail me.
Does not work.
The modem is accessible through device /dev/tty00.
Additional Comments
I also loaded OpenBSD 3.7 on a 300 MHz Clamshell iBook. On it, sound does
not work either.
Send comments to Brad
Last Updated : Oct 30, 2005