#!/bin/bash ifconnect() { if ! ( ifconfig | grep "P-t-P" >/dev/null ); then echo "* NO! not PPP connected. *" echo else exit 0 fi if [ -s /var/log/debug ] && ( ps xc 2>/dev/null | grep -q syslogd 2>/dev/null ); then echo "Look at /var/log/messages and or debug for more info." echo else exit 0 fi echo "Do you want to see /var/log/messages & debug?" echo "The PAGER less or more will be used: Q = Quit!" echo "The last 30 lines of each file will be shown, there" echo -n "may be some overlap from previous attempts: (N/y) : " read ans if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then tail -n 30 /var/log/messages /var/log/debug 2>/dev/null | less -aCMrsi || more -ds || echo "No PAGER found, no more or less." grepauth else grepauth fi } grepauth() { tail -n 30 /var/log/debug 2>/dev/null | grep -i -s "rcvd" > /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp if ( grep -i -q "auth pap" /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp ); then echo echo "They seem to be requesting PAP = for authentication." echo "I don't know if you're setup for 'PAP' or not." echo "Did you answer 'PAP' when you ran pppsetup?" echo elif ( grep -E -i -q "auth chap msoft|auth chap 80" /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp ); then echo echo "They seem to be requesting MS-CHAP-80 = for authentication." echo "I don't know if you're setup for 'MS-CHAP' or not." echo "Did you answer 'MS-CHAP' when you ran pppsetup?" echo elif ( grep -i -q "auth chap" /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp ); then echo "They seem to be requesting CHAP = for authentication." echo "I don't know if you're setup for 'CHAP' or not." echo "Did you answer 'CHAP' when you ran pppsetup?" echo else rm -f /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp exit 0 fi if ( grep -i -q "callback" /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp ); then echo "They seem to be requesting CALLBACK." echo "I don't know if you're setup for 'callback' or not." echo "Did you answer 'CALLBACK' when you ran pppsetup?" echo fi rm -f /var/log/setup/tmp/grep.tmp } if [ "$1" = "" ]; then killall -INT pppd 2>/dev/null rm -f /var/lock/LCK* /var/run/ppp*.pid (/usr/sbin/pppd -detach connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/pppscript" &) || exit 1 #read #ifconnect exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-q" ]; then killall -INT pppd 2>/dev/null rm -f /var/lock/LCK* /var/run/ppp*.pid (/usr/sbin/pppd connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/pppscript" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ) || exit 1 exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then killall -INT pppd 2>/dev/null rm -f /var/lock/LCK* /var/run/ppp*.pid (/usr/sbin/pppd file "/etc/ppp/options.demand" &) || exit 1 echo "Demand Dialing Started." exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then echo "USAGE: ppp-go " echo "USAGE: ppp-go -q " echo "USAGE: ppp-go -r " echo "USAGE: ppp-go -d " echo "USAGE: ppp-go -h " exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-r" ]; then echo -n "Remove contents of /var/log/messages file? (N/y) : " read ans if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then cat /dev/null >/var/log/messages echo "Contents of /var/log/messages file removed." else echo "Cancelled." fi echo -n "Remove contents of /var/log/debug file? (N/y) : " read ans if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then cat /dev/null >/var/log/debug echo "Contents of /var/log/debug file removed." exit 0 else echo "Cancelled." exit 0 fi fi echo "USAGE: ppp-go -h " exit 1