Highway to hell
The sub-prime meltdown is upon us.  What does this all mean?  I have a couple ideas that are not necessarily connected nor quantified.  I would think quantification, at least, is left as an exercise.

So, what do we know?  Lets make a list:
I just wanted to stop here for a second and let that last section soak in for awhile.  I was thinking about this in the shower the other morning.  What I was thinking is that during the downturn banks are writing off mortgage losses left and right.  So their stocks are dropping like proverbial rocks.  But wait - what would a smartish banker do?  After all - he still has the houses and he's written down the loss.  If he could move those  houses at say 60% of the value of the mortgages - that would be pure profit.  His balance sheet would look better going forward and he'd look like a hero.  Now - who to sell the houses to?  Well, it seems to me that he had identified a whole new market segment to sell houses to with the zero down no interest ARMS.  That market is still there - they just were tossed out of their expensive houses.  But what we notice is that they were able (albeit maybe barely) to make the payments on their zero down interest only mortgage.  With lower interest rates and houses devaluted 40-60% how many of those buyers could afford to purchase one of these homes?  All of them?  So my thinking leads to buying bank stocks at the bottom or as close as you can get because the house devaluation is going to open up the subprime market as a prime market on the way up.  Just a thought....