IMPORTANT ITEMS: Map to the Holiday Inn Express in Starkville
Dr. Tom Deas meets every year with his enlisted Medics who served in the
124th Infantry Regiment during World War II. Other veterans and their
relatives are welcome to attend. Since October 2002 Ray and Margaret
Roach have hosted this event at the Holiday Inn Express in Starkville. A
hotel reservation form is available at the link above. Print the form,
fill it out, and send it in. You may also call the hotel directly.
Mention the "World War II Medics Reunion" to obtain the reunion rate.
The hotel is centrally located in
Announcement of the 2005 reunion:
July 25, 2005 Get your house in order. It's time for another reunion. Can't believe another year has gone by. We will be meeting again at Holiday Inn Express in Starkvile, MS.
Date: October 7 & 8, 2005 We have at present time $161.80 in the bank account. We are asking you not to send anything for food this time. We will use this and if the Lord lets us continue we can ask for a few dollars next time. Be sure and get your reservations in as early as you can. As you know this is a college town and we never know what will be in town that week. We have 15 rooms reserved, but can get more if needed. Be sure and mention the WWII Medics Reunion if you call in reservations. We are looking forward to seeing you again. Have a safe trip and if we can help in any way let us know.
Raymond & Margaret Roach |