Cozumel Hotel Beaches


Purpose:  Provide an objective review of beaches at the majority of Cozumel waterfront/beachfront hotels to aid people in evaluating beach status as they select a hotel.


Disclaimer:  This information is compiled from a variety of sources including my own on-site evaluations.  All information is as accurate as possible.  Any errors should be reported to me at ronlee at pcisys dot net.     I will include quality dissenting opinions, missing pictures, better pictures, etc in order to make this review as complete as possible.  Dissenting opinions and contributing photos/assessments will be attributed to the person providing the input.


When percentages are used to quantify an evaluation criteria, the percentages are rough visual estimates.  A reference to 33% is merely a numerical form of 1/3 and is not meant to imply an accuracy to 1%.


Pre-Wilma pictures:  These are used where more current pictures are not yet available.  In the case of the southern hotels of Allegro, Occidental Grand and Iberostar, they do indicate the general nature of the beaches prior to Wilma.  For some in-town hotels that are mostly/completely ironshore interface to the ocean, it does show that.  Pre/post Wilma should not affect that.  Do not use any pre-Wilma pictures to judge the physical layout/construction of any hotels since many changes were made after Hurricane Wilma.  These pictures are solely for evaluation of the beach condition.


Pictures represent the status of a hotel’s beach or interface with the ocean at the time it was taken.  Natural forces (such as hurricanes) can change beaches for the better or worse.  If you have questions about the current status of a hotel’s beach, then ask if the beach is similar to any picture provided.  Recent guests of that hotel can provide up to date information.




1)  Beach:  This is the foundation of this review and is one that could be considered subjective.  I consider a beach a sandy area that slopes into the ocean such that you could walk from a point on dry sand perpendicular to the waters edge and wade into and out of the water without needing steps, ladders, etc. 


2)      Ironshore:  Rocky limestone.  In many places it is rugged, somewhat sharp and not something that you want to fall on.


3)  Rocky material:  Any non-sand hard rock-like material.  It may be the rugged/sharp material that is common at the edge of the shore or somewhat smoother material under the water or on the surface.


Evaluation Criteria:


1)      Beach length:  This means how far can you walk parallel to the water’s edge before encountering some obstruction such as rocks, a wall from a neighboring property, etc


2)      Beach depth:  This is the distance from the waters edge perpendicular to the shore until you reach vegetation, pavement, concrete, building, etc


3)      Rocks:  This is an assessment of rocky material on the beach, at the waters edge and in the water where most people will be wading. In many cases, this also includes a visual approximation of the percentage of the hotel property where rocky material forms the interface with the water.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Typical Cozumel water is clear and beautiful.  Any deviation from this standard is noted.


5)      Sand quality:  No significant differences in sand quality were noted.  Cozumel sand is a very light tan, somewhat coarse compared to some of the sand on the Cozumel eastside or Playa Del Carmen, and is cool to walk on even mid-day.  Some websites call Cozumel sand “white” yet some sand in Cancun and White Sands in New Mexico are clearly whiter.  Despite this subtle technical disagreement, Cozumel beaches are a pleasing color to this observer.


6)      Slope:  Is the slope of the beach out of the ordinary?  No details at this time since no beaches evaluated with on-site inspection were considered abnormal.



Hotels North of Town


These hotels are relatively close to town compared to the southern all-inclusive (AI) hotels with taxi fares typically $5 USD or less each way. 


Melia Cozumel




The following picture was taken near the southern portion of Melia facing north.  Note the water color and compare it to other pictures.


1)      Beach length:  This is clearly the longest hotel beach north of town.  Part of that is due to the wide hotel layout plus the continuing beach north of the hotel. 


2)      Beach depth:  This is a typical depth.  While not measured you can get a idea of the depth by using the person on the beach as a guide.


3)      Rocks:  The only rocks on the shore were noted at the southern edge of the hotel and that rocky area extends on the private (?) residences located between the Melia and El Cozumeleno to the south.  The discoloration of the water prevented seeing rocks in the water but some guys who were waist deep in the water did report some rocks.  Rock amount on the shore is rated as MINIMAL while rocks in the water were estimated as LOW.  If the rocky material on the shore was not on Melia property then the Melia has ZERO rocky material on its beach.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Due to material reported as coming from mangroves to the north, combined with a pier on the north edge of El Cozumeleno that prevents water flow to the south, the water color is dark and not typical of the beautiful blue water seen everywhere else on Cozumel.  The clarity was also degraded.  How frequently this situation occurs is unknown. 



El Cozumeleno




The following picture was taken near the southern part of El Coz looking north:  You will note rocks on the beach as well as in the water.  Also note the clarity and color of the water.  In the distance is the El Coz pier that blocks stuff from traveling south.  Hence the darker water color north of the pier which is the Melia area.


1)      Beach length:  Average.  It is not as long compared to Melia which extends well beyond the Melia’s northern property edge.


2)      Beach depth:  Typical but just a little less that Melia.


3)      Rocks:  Rocky entry to the water along about 50% of the length.  About 25% of the possible beach length is a wall.  About 75% of the water entry area has rocks extending several yards out in to the water.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Great



Playa Azul




The first picture below was taken from their pier looking north. The extensive rocky areas are obvious as they are in the second picture which faces the pool area of the hotel.


1)      Beach length:  Short due to the smaller size of the hotel.


2)      Beach depth:  Typical or somewhat less


3)      Rocks:  About 33% of the possible beach length is a wall.  Almost all of the water entry area has rocks extending 10-20 yards out in to the water. About 33% of the beach length is a short drop off as see in the second picture above.  Only about 10% of the beach length is sand.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Great



Coral Princess




As you can see in the following picture there is no beach at Coral princess.  It is ironshore or manmade wall.  The sandy area does not qualify as a beach for this evaluation.



Hotels In/Near Town




Website:  To be supplied


The following picture shows that the Barracuda does not have a beach.



Hotel Cozumel


Website: To be supplied


No beach here either.



Cozumel Palace


Website: to be supplied


No beach here.



Hotels South of Town


Fiesta Americana




The following pre-Wilma picture shows that there is only about 20 feet of beach at Fiesta Americana.


1)      Beach length:  With only about 20 feet of beach this hotel, it is tempting to say that they don’t have a beach but there is some.


2)      Beach depth:  Typical


3)      Rocks:  Beaucoup.  All but about 20 feet of the length is ironshore.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Great



Reef Club




This picture looking south shows a reasonable beach but there are sandbags in places.


The Cancun map picture is below:


1)      Beach length:  The north end of the Reef Club property is rocky.  The extent of the beach to the south was not verified but is probably extensive.


2)      Beach depth:  Typical


3)      Rocks:


4)      Water color/clarity:   Typical Cozumel awesome



Disclaimer:  The following three hotels were not observed close up so all assessments are made from various sources and subject to revision by guests of those hotels.






Pre-Wilma picture below:


1)      Beach length:  As with the other hotels in this area this is a beach that extends for a long distance.


2)      Beach depth:  Appears typical


3)      Rocks:  Unknown.  One report indicated that there are none.


4)      Water color/clarity:  Appears typical Cozumel awesome



Occidental Grand




Pre-Wilma picture below:


1)      Beach length:  As with the other hotels in this area this is a beach that extends for a long distance.


2)      Beach depth:  Appears typical


3)      Rocks:  Unknown


4)      Water color/clarity :   Appears typical Cozumel awesome







Pre-Wilma picture below:


1)      Beach length:  As with the other hotels in this area this is a beach that extends for a long distance.


2)      Beach depth:  Appears typical


3)      Rocks:  Reports are that rocky material is present in unknown quantity once you enter the water.


4)      Water color/clarity:   Appears typical Cozumel awesome



Discussion:      If one only considers the actual sand portion of a beach, then north of town the Melia has the nicest beach due to minimal/no rocks and lengthy beach.  Unfortunately, the poor water color and clarity degrades the total beach experience.  Thus El Cozumeleno would rate as the best beach north of town but lower than the southern hotels.


In town you just don’t have viable beaches.


South of town, the hotels from Reef Club south are among the best of Cozumel.  By some accounts, the Holiday Village White Sands or Occidental Grand may be the best on Cozumel.