Save the Post Office

I got this chain mail today. Wanted to share it with my readers. Made me laugh out loud when I caught the gist. I've done this at times over the years, but in the current economic climate maybe it's time to get serious about it. Seems like a clever way to punish junk mailers and help out a national institution at the same time. Curious what others think. Any killjoys who see a serious downside to this?

The post office is going broke because fewer and fewer people (like many of you) are using electronic means to send messages, pay bills, buy things, etc.  We can make up for this loss of mailings with just a little bit of effort - and NO outlay of money.
Quit throwing away those offers for life insurance, car insurance, RV parking spaces, medical digests, timeshares and whatever.  Take a couple of seconds to open the envelope and take out the PREPAID POSTAGE ENVELOPE.  The marketing masters who sent this garbage to you don't pay for that PREPAID POSTAGE until it goes back to the post office.  So, to keep the post office viable, send all of these envelopes back.  Empty is OK, but they pay more postage if you load up the envelope with the junk from a different company. 
If you are retired, this is also a great way to waste a few minutes every day.

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