the place of the word wiki in history using WebCite
I've been a member of Ward Cunningham's wiki wiki web community since 1999. Today I was delighted to read the entry for the word "wiki" online in the Oxford English Dictionary. Here's the citation:
"wiki, n.". OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press. 18 February 2012 <>.
I also want to give a plug for an excellent resource called WebCite® ( Ward wrote "Correspondence on the Etymology of Wiki." and here is the web-friendly citation of that:
Cunningham, Ward. "Correspondence on the Etymology of Wiki", URL:, Archived at on February 18th, 2012.
Go ahead - click on it and have a look at the archived version. Then bookmark for all your quality writing needs.
This is work I'm doing for my project on the art of digital letter writing (AODLW), which is, in turn, part of my more general project on the art of writing in a digital age.