[Page 247]
1. Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, vol. 3 of A Select Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1956), 1.3.5.
Chapter 1
1. C.S. Lewis, Miracles (London: Collins, 1965), 101.
2. Ibid., 99.
3. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (New York: Doubleday, 1969), 241.
4. Ibid., 242.
5. Robert Pattison, The Triumph of Vulgarity (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991).
6. Robert W. Jenson, "The Father, He...," in Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism, ed. Alvin F. Kimel, Jr. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992), 96.
7. Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father (Boston: Beacon, 1973), 19.
8. Herbert Lockyer, All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible: A Unique Classijìcation of All Scripture Designations of the Three Persons of the Trinity (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975).
9. Alvin F. Kimel, Jr., ed., Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992).
[Page 248]
Chapter 2
1. Paul K. Jewett, God, Creation & Revelation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991), 299.
2. Ibid., 297.
3. Eric Mascall, Whatever Happened to the Human Mind? (London: SPCK, 1980), 117-18.
Chapter 3
1. Arthur W. Wairìwright, The Trinity in the New Testament (London: SPCK, 1962), 3.
2. Ibid., 2,
3. Ibid., 266.
4. G.W.H. Lampe, God as Spirit: The Bampton Lectures, 1976 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1977), 228.
5. Ibid.
6. C.F.D. Moule, "The New Testament and the Doctrine of the Trinity," The Expository Times 78/1 (October 1976): 17.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid., 18.
9. C.F.D. Moule, The Holy Spirit (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), 101.
10. A similar position to that of Moule was taken by Hendrikus Berkhof in his Warfield lectures on "The Spirit." In The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Atlanta: John Knox, 1964) he argued that we now have just reason to say farewell to the "person-concept in pneumatology" because modern biblical scholarship has made it clear that "Spirit" simply denotes the work of the exalted Lord Jesus in the world.
11. Royce G. Gruenler, The Trinity in the Gospel of John: A Thematic Commentary on the Fourth Gospel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986), 6.
12. Ibid., 8.
13. Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., "Social Trinity and Tritheism," in Trinity, Incarnation and Atonement: Philosophical and Theological Essays, ed. Ronald J. Feenstra & Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1989), 27-28.
14. Anthony Kelly, The Trinity of Love: A Theology of the Christian God (Wilmington, Del.: Michael Glazier, 1989), 37.
15. Ibid., 39.
16. Ibid., 45-46.
17. Ibid., 47.
18. Clifford Geertz, "Religion as a Cultural System," in Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion, ed. Michael Banton, ASA Mono graphs 3 (New York: Routledge/Tavistock, 1969), quoted in Kelly, Trinity of Love, 49.
[Page 249]
19. Sebastian Moore, The Fire and the Rose Are One (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1980), 83-84, quoted in Kelly, Trinity of Love, 53.
20. James DG. Dunn, Jesus and the Spirit (London: SCM, 1975), 67, quoted in Kelly, Trinity of Love, 57.
21. Ralph P. Martin, The Worship of God (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980), 210.
Chapter 4
1. George F. Knight, A Christian Theology of the Old Testament, rev. ed. (Richmond Va.: John Knox, 1964), 74-75.
2. Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, 47, n. 3.
3. Ibid., 2.11.20.
4. Ibid., 2.12.22.
5. Hilary of Poitiers, The Trinity, vo1. 25 of The Fathers of the Church (New York: Fathers of the Church, 1954), 23-30.
6. John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1.13.10.
7. For a learned discussion of the origin and meaning of the words ’elohim and yahweh see G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, eds., Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, vols. 1 and 5 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986).
8. Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, 2.15.26.
Chapter 5
1. Aubrey Johnson, The One and the Many in the Israelite Conception of God (Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press, 1961), 15.
2. Ibid., 17.
3. Walter Kasper, The God of Jesus Christ (New York: Crossroad, 1984), 239-40.
4. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, ed. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, vol. 1 of The Ante Nicene Fathers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953), 4, preface, sec. 4.
5. Ibid., 4.20.1.
6. For the evidence see Wainwnght, Trinity in the New Testament, 24-27.
7. Kasper, God of Jesus Christ, 242.
8. Bertrand de Margerie, S.J., The Christian Trinity in History (Still River, Mass.: St. Bede’s, 1982), 4.
9. Derek Kidner, The Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary (London: Tyndale, 1972), 79.
[Page 250]
10. Elisabeth Schüssier Fiorenza, In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins (New York: Crossroad, 1985), 132.
11. Knight, Christian Theology of the Old Testament, 85.
12. Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity," in Biblical and Theological Studies (Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1968), 30.
13. Knight, Christian Theology of the Old Testament, 87,
14. Kasper, God of Jesus Christ, 243.
Chapter 6
1. Lany W. Hurtado, One God, One Lord: Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988), 100.
2. Ibid., 114.
3. Ibid., 104.
4. James D.G. Dunn, The Parting of the Ways between Christianity and Judaism, and their Significance for the Character of Christianity (Philadelphia: Trinity, 1991), 204.
5. Hurtado, One God, One Lord, 107.
6. Michael Ramsey, Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study (London: SPCK, 1977), 119-20.
7. Warfield, "Doctrine of the Trinity," 30.
8. Ibid., 32.
9. Ibid., 33.
Chapter 7
1. Paul V. Mankowski, "Old Testament Iconology and the Nature of God," in The Politics of Prayer, ed. H.H. Hitchcock (San Francisco: Ignatius, 1992), 167.
2. John W. Miller, Biblical Faith and Fathering (New York: Paulist, 1989).
3. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1913).
4. Robert Hamerton-Kelly, God the Father: Theology and Patriarchy in the Teaching of Jesus (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979), 54.
5. Francis Martin, The Feminist Question (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994), 278.
6. Hamerton-Kelly, God the Father, 81.
[Page 251]
7. In the supplementary volume of The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (1976), the article on "God, Nature of, in the OT," is written by Phyllis Trible. Here and in her book God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality (1978) she made claims concerning the femininity of God, which have been repeated many times by feminists since the late 1970s. One such claim is based on the use of the word rehem (womb) and its use in declaring the compassion of God. However, her philological and linguistic arguments have been shown to be false and thus her conclusions also to be false. See further Mankowski, "Old Testament Iconology and the Nature of God," 160-65.
8. Jürgen Moltmann, "Theological Proposals," in Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Faith and Order Paper, WCC., no. 103 (London: SPCK, 1981), 167.
9. De Margene, The Christian Trinity, 148.
Chapter 8
1. Raymond E. Brown, An Introduction to New Testament Christology (New York: Paulist, 1994), 101.
2. George Tavard, The Vision of the Trinity (Washington, D.C.: Univ. Press of America, 1981), 10-11.
3. Tryggve N.D. Mettinger, In Search of God: The Meaning and Message of the Everlasting Names (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988), 44.
4. Pliny Epistle 10.96.7.
5. Philip E. Hughes, The True Image: The Origin and Destiny of Man in Christ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), 26.
6. Ibid., 28.
7. J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds, 5th ed. (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978), 297.
8. Ibid., 339-40.
Chapter 9
1. J.E. Davey, The Jesus of St. John: Historical and Christological Studies in the Fourth Gospel (London: Lutterworth, 1958), 75.
2. Gary Burge, The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Tradition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), 147.
3. See the hill discussion by Burge, The Anointed Community, 114ff.
4. Eduard Schweizer, Spirit of God: Bible Key Words (London: A & C Black, 1960), 83.
5. J.D.G. Dunn, Christology in the Making (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1980), 149.
6. Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, 5.6.12.
[Page 252]
7. De Margerie, The Christian Trinity, 118.
Chapter 10
1. Sir Edwyn Hoskyns, The Fourth Gospel (London: Faber and Faber, 1947), 532.
2. Raymond E. Brown, The Gospel According to John (New York: Doubleday, 1966, 1970), 2:951.
3. Augustine, On the Holy Trinity, 7.4.7.
4. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica 1.29.
5. For which see Gregory P. Rocca, "Aquinas on God-Talk," Theological Studies 54 (1993): 641-61.
6. Berkhof, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 116.
7. Alisdair Heron, The Holy Spirit (London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1983), 175.
[Chapter 11 has no Notes]
Chapter 12
1. J.N.D. Kelly, The Athanasian Creed (London: A & C Black, 1964), 17-18.
2. See further Tavard, Vision of the Trinity, chap. 4; and Peter Toon, The Art of Meditating upon Scripture (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993).
3. Heron, Holy Spirit, 172-73.
4. Ibid., 173.
5. Wanfield, "Doctrine of the Trinity," 42.
6. G.P. Widmert, Gloire au Pere, au Fils, au Saint-Esprit (Neuchâtel: Brémond, 1963), 30.
7. The creed is found in Latin in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 60 (Rome: The Vatican, 1968), 433ff.
[Page 253]
Aaron 88, 102
Abba (God as) 139ff, 153ff, 190
Abraham 80ff
Achtemeier, Elizabeth 150
Adonay 96
Adoptionism 54-55
Advocate (the Spirit as) 183
Agannsia 41
Agap 35
Allegory 79
Anagogy 79-80
Androcentricism 24
Angel of the Lord 77, 89ff, 95, 114ff
Apocrypha 104, 106-7
Apophaticism 22-23
Arius/Arianism 39-41, 67, 171, 233, 236
Attributes (of God) 45-46
Augustine of Hippo 10, 83ff, 89-90, 192-93, 208, 211, 247, 249, 251-52
Authority (of Scripture) 26-27
[Page 254]
Baptism 199ff, 227
Baker, D.L. 29
Barr, James 150
Barrett, C.K. 193
Barth, Karl 42, 46-47, 51
Basil 23, 40, 42
Benediction 237
Berkhof, Hendrikus 69, 209, 211, 248, 252
Bezaleel 108
Binitarianism 56-57, 66, 113ff, 192, 232
Book of Common Prayer (1662) 16, 245
Bousset, Wilhelm 116
Bradshaw, P.F. 229
Brown, R.P. 156, 173, 193, 202, 211, 251-52
Bruce, F.F. 29
Burge, Gary M. 193, 251
Caird, George 111
Caldwell, Charles 11
Calvin, John 84-85, 92, 249
Canon (of Scripture) 26-27
Cappadocians 42
Cataphaticism 22-23
Chalcedon (Council of) 172
Christ 11, 26-28, 33, 35, 39, 54-55, 61, 68, 76, 78, 111, 117-20, 122-23, 159, 161ff, 172, 176, 179-80, 187, 189, 197ff, 215, 221ff
Chrysostom 23, 42
Circumincession 84
Comforter (the Spirit as) 183
Community (God as a) 25, 51, 57-59, 66
Consciousness (trinitarian) 113, 121ff, 127ff, 232
Constantine the Great 39
Councils (Ecumenical) 38-41, 46, 49, 67, 172-73, 210, 228-29, 238
Creation 214-15
Creed (Apostles’) 79, 85, 153, 199, 238
Creed (Athanasian) 67, 173, 231-32, 234, 238
[Page 255]
Creed (Nicene) 10, 27, 38-41, 67, 79, 148, 153, 171, 193, 199, 231, 234, 237-38
Cullman, Oscar 173
Daly, Mary 24, 247
Danielou, Jean 93
Davey, J.E. 193, 251
Deism 231
De Margene, Bertrand 49, 101, 111, 129, 149-50, 193, 249, 251-52
Democracy 18-19
Deus Absconditus 110
Deus Revelatus 110
Diaspora 109
Distich (medieval) 79
Dunn, J.D.G. 113, 118, 121, 129, 150, 173, 188, 194, 249-51
East (Christian) 41ff
Ego eimi 162-63
Eichrodt, Walther 93
Eikon (Jesus as) 166ff
Ekpempis 41
Elijah 76
Elohim (God) 82, 86-88, 98, 100, 156, 164, 241
El Shaddai 96
Enlightenment 21, 23, 46, 231
Enoch 76
Epicureanism 71
Erickson, Millard J. 47-48
Essentia 42
Experience (religious) 23
Experience (of the Spirit) 122-24
Experience (trinitarian) 63, 66
Father (God as a) 133ff
Father (God the) 9-11, 15-16, 20, 27, 29, 31-32, 34-41, 43-45, 47-48, 52, 58, 61, 65, 67-68, 76, 84, 89, 102-3, 117, 121, 123-24, 127, 139-41, 144, 146, 149-50, 155ff 161, 163ff, 169, 172-73, 178-80, 182, 184, 186, 199-200, 202, 204, 206ff, 214ff, 230ff, 243-44
[Page 256]
Feminism 21ff, 26, 171
Filioque 38, 192
Florence (Council of) 149
Fortman, E.J. 48
Fossum, J.E. 93
Fourfold Sense (of Scripture) 79
Geertz, Clifford 63, 248
Gender 22
Gennsis 41
Gideon 91
Gloria 11, 45, 228, 246
Gnosticism 21, 75
God (see Elohim; Yahweh-Elohim; YHWH; Father; Trinity)
God[dess] 23, 25
Gregory of Nazianzus 40
Gregory of Nyssa 40
Gruenler, Royce G. 57-59, 69, 248
Hagar 90
Hamerton-Kelly, Robert 141, 151, 250
Hapgood, I.F. 48
Harris, Murray J. 165, 173
Hegel 25, 46
Henotheism 73, 99
Heron, Alisdair 194, 210-11, 235, 246, 252
Hilary of Poitiers 84, 93, 249
Historical-critical method 10, 24-25, 51, 54, 78, 80, 231
Hitchcock, Helen H. 30
Hodgson, Leonard 47, 57, 60, 69
Hokmah 103ff
Homoousios 39-40, 56, 171, 236
Hook, Donald D. 30
[Page 257]
Horeb-Sinai 88ff
Hoskyns, Edwyn 194, 202, 252
Hughes, Philip E. 167, 173, 246, 251
Hurtado, Larry W. 66, 69, 76, 93, 111, 113ff, 129, 250
Hymns (to Christ) 118-19
Hypostasis 41, 44, 67, 117, 172, 192, 210, 229
Image of God (Christ as the) 166ff
Images of God 24
Inspiration of Scripture 28ff
Institute of Theological Studies 9
Irenaeus 100-101, 111, 249
Isaacs, M.E. 111
Jacob 80ff
Jenson, Robert W. 21, 247
Jeremias, Joachim 151, 173
Jerusalem 80
(the new) 206ff
Jesus (baptism) 177, 199ff
(birth) 104
(conception) 177, 197-99
(crucifixion) 201ff
(as God) 164ff
(resurrection) 116, 158ff, 203ff
(self-consciousness) 65, 153ff
(as teacher) 139ff
(transfiguration) 201
Jewett, Paul K. 48, 248
John of Damascus 42
Johnson, A.R. 93, 95, 97, 111, 249
Judaism 138ff
Justification 217-18
Kasper, Walter 98-99, 111, 249-50
Kelly, Anthony 60-65, 69
[Page 258]
Kelly, J.N.D. 48, 246, 248, 251-52
Kidner, Derek 104, 111, 249
Kimel, Alvin F. 30, 150, 247
Kingdom of God 156-57
Klein, Felix 65, 69
Knight, G.F. 76, 93, 110-11, 249-50
Kramer, W. 173
Kyrios 90
(Jesus as) 168ff
LaCugna, Catherine M. 66
Lampe, G.W.M. 54-55, 69, 248
Language (inclusive) 10, 26, 145ff, 238
Language (precise) 230-31
Lewis, C.S. 17, 20, 29, 247
Light (God as) 33-34
Liturgy 16, 118ff, 223ff
Lockyer, Herbert 25, 30, 247
Lord’s Supper 120, 227-28
Love (God as) 35-36
Mankowski, Paul 135, 151, 250
Maranatha 119
Martin, Francis 30, 151, 249
Martin, Ralph P. 66, 229, 249
Marsh, Thomas 47, 49
Mascall, Eric 44-45, 248
Metaphor (metaphorical theology) 23-24
Mettinger, T.N.D. 93, 111, 173, 251
Metzger, Bruce 30
Middle Ages 45
Miller, John 151, 250
Modalism 16, 20, 40, 210, 231, 233, 235-36, 242-43
Moltmann, Jürgen 149, 151, 251
Monarchy (divine) 38-39
Monotheism 17, 73ff, 99, 113ff, 213
Montague, G.T. 112, 194
[Page 259]
Moore, Sebastian 64, 249
Moses 76, 86ff, 102
Mother (God as a) 147-48
Moule, C.F.D. 55-57, 69, 248
Mutation (in monotheism) 114ff
Mystery (God as) 16-17, 22-23, 239
Name (of God) 89, 95, 97, 119-20
Narrative Theology 62
Natura 42
Nicene Creed (see Creed)
Old Testament 77ff
Order (holy) 37-38, 239-40
Orthodoxy (Protestant) 15-16
Ousia 41, 67
Panentheism 17ff, 25, 242-43
Pantheism 17, 25
Pantokrator 38, 44, 148
Paraclete 182ff, 218ff
Patriarchialism 24
Pattison, Robert 19
Paul VI 243-44
Pelikan, Jaroslav 49
Pentecost 179-80
Percival, H.R. 229
Perichoresis 84
Persona 42-44, 192, 210
Personality (of Yahweh) 92, 114
Personification (of wisdom) 103ff
Philia 35
Plantinga, Cornelius 59-60, 69, 248
Pliny 251
Plurality in unity 79, 97ff, 101
Pneuma 122-23, 173ff
[Page 260]
Pohle, Joseph 65, 69
Polanyi, Michael 57
Prayer (through Christ) 223ff
(to Christ) 119
Prestige, G.L. 49
Problem (of the Trinity) 52-54
Process Theology 25
Procession (of the Spirit) 42
Prophecy (from Christ) 120
Prosopon 172
Quicunque Vult 67, 173, 232ff, 240
Rad, Gerhard von 112
Rahner, Karl 45, 47, 49
Ramsey, Michael 126, 130, 194, 211, 250
Reformation (16th century) 31, 240
Relatio 42-43
Resurrection 158ff, 203ff
Rhetoric 60-61
Rocca, Gregory P. 211, 252
Ruach 122-23, 176
Rublev, Andrej 84
Sabellianism (see Modalism) 235
Salvation 215ff
Schaberg, J. 130, 211
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 23, 46
Schüssler, Elisabeth Fiorenza 105, 112, 249
Schweizer, Eduard 188, 194
Segal, A.F. 112
Sexism 24
Sexuality 22
Shedd, W.G.T. 83
Shema 97-98
Sinai 88ff
[Page 261]
Son of God 9, 15-16, 20, 27, 29, 31, 34ff, 52, 58, 65, 67-68, 84, 89, 102-3, 117, 123-24, 127, 146, 149-50, 153ff, 160ff, 170, 172-73, 178-80, 182, 184, 186, 199ff, 206ff, 214ff, 230ff, 243-44
Son of Man 170
Sophia-God 105
Spirit (God as) 31-32, 54-55, 64, 76, 95, 102-3, 107ff
Spirit (the Holy) 10, 15-16, 20, 27, 29, 31, 34ff, 52, 56, 58, 61, 65, 67-68, 84, 89, 102-3, 117, 121-24, 127, 146, 150, 160, 172-73, 175ff, 186ff, 198ff, 205ff, 216ff, 230ff, 243-44
Spirit (as Paraclete) 181ff
Statements (triadic) 124-25
Stoicism 75
Substantia 42-43
Subsistentia 229
Supper (the Lord’s) 120, 227-28
Swete, H.B. 194
Symbolism (trinitarian) 62-64
Tavard, George 68-69, 156-57, 211, 246, 251-52
Theophanies 86ff
Terrien, Samuel 93
Tertullian 52
Tetragrammaton 96-97, 113
Theism 17ff
Theos (Jesus as) 164-66
Theotokos 172
Thomas Aquinas 43, 45, 208, 252
Tocqueville, Alexis de 18-20, 30, 247
Toledo (Council of) 149
Toon, Peter 30, 49, 151, 173, 194, 229, 246, 252
Trible, Phyllis 251
Trinitananism (implicit) 125-27
Trinity (the economic) 38, 43-44, 48, 110, 213ff, 221ff, 227-28, 244-45
Trinity (the immanent/ontological) 41, 45-48, 110, 228-29, 232ff, 244-45
Trinity (of Persons) 9-11, 15-16, 20-21, 25-29, 33, 36, 38-48, 53, 59ff, 67, 75, 79, 82ff, 90, 99, 101, 124-25, 127-28, 159, 163, 192, 203-4, 207ff, 213, 220, 226, 232, 240-41
[Page 262]
Trinity (the social) 25, 58ff
Trisagion 101
Tritheism 40, 59
Tropos hyparxeos 41-42
Unitarianism 45, 192, 213, 231
Vagaggini, Cyprian 229
Vriezen, Theodorus 93
Wainwright, A.W. 51-54, 66, 112, 130, 248-49
Warfield, B.B. 110, 112, 127-30, 237-38, 246, 250, 252
Welch, Claude 69
West (the Christian) 42ff
Widmert, G.P. 252
Wisdom (of God) 76, 95, 103ff, 114, 215
Word (of God) 76, 95, 103, 105ff, 114, 170-71, 214ff
Worship 32-33, 40, 118ff, 126, 223ff
Wright, N.T. 76, 93
Yahweh-Elohim 10, 15, 27, 29, 64, 67-68, 73ff, 80ff, 86ff, 95ff, 134ff, 154ff
YHWH (LORD) 73ff, 86-88, 96-97, 109, 119-21, 128, 133, 138-39, 141, 144-48, 154ff, 159, 162-63, 168ff, 173, 176, 178-80, 182, 189, 198ff, 214, 237-39, 242
Zeitgeist 20
Zerubbabel 108
[Page 263]
Old Testament
1:2 107, 177
1:3 214
1:26 100-102
1:27 240
2:7 186
2:24 98
3:22 100-102
6:2 160
11:67 100-102
12:1-6 80
15:1-21 81
16:22 144
17:7-8 122
18:1ff 81, 91
18:20-31 81
19:1ff 81
20:22-23 186
21:17-19 91
22:2 82, 98
22:11-18 91
27:16 145
28:10-22 82, 102
31:11-13 91
32:20-32 82, 91
41:38 108
48:15-16 91
3:2-6 86, 91
3:12 86
3:14ff 33, 86, 96-97, 163, 244
4:18 87
4:22ff 103, 134, 137, 160
6:3 80, 96
13:21 91
14:19-24 91
16:7-14 90
[Page 264]
19:4-5 87, 147
19:16ff 88
21:18 89
23:20-21 97
24:1-11 88
29:45 103
31:3 108
33:23 88
34:6-7 88
34:34 189
35:31 108
4:39 97
5:26 98
6:4-8 61, 73, 97, 113-14
6:13 114
12:5-11 97
14:23-24 97
16:6 97
26:2-19 74-75, 97
32:6, 9 134
32:11-12 147
32:18 134
34:9 108
5:13-16 91
2:1-5 91
6:11-22 85, 91, 97
13:2-23 92
1 Samuel
4:8 98
5:1-5 75
8:2 137
9:1 137
16:6 137
17:26-46 75
26:6 137
2 Samuel
7:12-14 136, 160
7:23 98
1 Kings
8:60 79, 97
14:1 137
2 Kings
5:15-18 75
18:2 137
1 Chronicles
2:24 137
4:14 137
7:8 137
12:9 137
15:8 137
17:13 136
22:10 136
24:10 137
28:6 136
2 Chronicles
11:20 137
2:6 137
12:2 137
1:6 160
[Page 265]
2:7 136, 160-61, 164, 200
18:11, 22 34
20:1 97
22:1 141
22:11 138
33:6-9 102, 106, 214
36:9 34
42:1-2 99
45:6 164
51:10-12 109
58:11 98
68:5 136
84:2 99
85:10-13 105
89:26-27 137
96:4-5 74
99:6 120
103:13 136, 146
104:30 107
105:1 120
107:20 106
118:22 225
119:89 106
119:130 34
139:7-10 107
143:10 108
147:15 106
1:20-23 123
3:11-12 137
8:22-36 103-5
9:1-6 104
18:10 97
5:20 34
6:3 101
6:8 101
7:14 198
9:6 89
9:8 106
11:2 108
28:16 225
31:5 147
37:23 75
40:7 107
41:4 33, 99, 163
42:1 108, 200
42:5 214
42:13-14 147
43:10 33, 99, 163
43:25 163
44:3 109
44:6 99
45:5 99
45:7 74
45:9-10 148
45:15 82
45:21-22 97
46:4 163
46:9 99
48:12 99
49: 14-15 148
49:18 99
51:12 163
52:6 163
52:10 75
55:10-11 106
59:21 108
61:1-2 102, 108, 178
63:8-9 91
63:9-12 102
63: 15-16 136
66:13 148
[Page 266]
3:4 135
3:19 135
10:10 99
17:13 99
36:26-27 109
37:14 109
40:1 92
2:47 75
3:25 160
3:28 75
4:2-3, 34-37 75
6:26-27 100
7:14 204
11:1-4 135, 160
12:5 85
2:28-32 108, 120, 180
3:8 108
7:8 34
2:5-6 102
1:1 92
1:12-13 92
3:6-10 92
4:4 108
8:22-23 75
14:9 98
1:6 136
2:10 136
New Testament
1:18-24 158, 168, 198
3:13-17 127, 156, 200
4:1-10 114
4:16 34
5:8 207
5:48 141
6:9 141
10:26 177
10:32 156
11:25-27 141, 157
12:32 176
14:27, 33 163
16:13-17 139-40, 156, 201
16:27 156
17:1-8 158, 201
22:37 114
23:37 147
24:36 139-40, 156
25:31-46 156
27:46 141
27:51-54 156
28:18-20 29, 102, 127, 146, 156, 163, 177, 204
[Page 267]
1:9-14 61, 158, 175, 200
2:10, 28 170
3:17 158
3:28-29 176
6:50 163
9:2-8 158, 201
10:18 114
12:6 157
12:29 113
13:11 177
13:32 139-40, 157
14:36 139, 155, 201
15:34 141
15:39 201
1:14 177
1:27 158
1:30-35 61, 158, 177, 198-99, 201
1:41 177
1:43 199
1:67-70 28, 177
2:32 34
2:49-50 157
3:21-22 158, 177, 200
4:1-21 114, 177-78, 201
6:36 141
9:28-36 158, 201
10:21-22 141, 157, 178
10:26 114
11:20 89
13:34 147
20:13 157
22:29-30 139-40
23:46 201
24:25-27 28
24:49 178, 205
1:1 33, 161, 165, 197
1:1-5 107, 118, 168, 214
1:1-14 104, 118, 142, 144, 147, 161-62, 165, 184-85
1:4-9 34, 202
1:24-34 32, 182, 200, 219
2:16 142
3:1-8 32, 181, 219
3:16-17 35, 184
3:32-36 36, 142, 147, 161-62, 182, 184
4:12 185
4:14 181
4:22-26 31-33, 142, 161, 181
4:34 161
5:17-26 142, 161-62, 226
5:27-29 161
5:34-36 142, 161-62
6:20 33, 163
6:38 161
6:40 161-62
6:45-47 161-62
6:53-58 33, 142
7:28 161
7:37-39 182, 185, 207
8:16 161
8:24-29 147, 162, 167
8:38-45 33, 143, 161
8:58 33
10:15 147
10:17 162
10:30 143, 184-85
10:38 143
11:52 144
12:31-32 184
12:34 170
12:49-50 147, 161
13:13-14 184
[Page 268]
13:19 162
14:2 143
14:6 33, 143, 162, 184
14:7-9 147
14:9-11 143
14:13-18 32-33, 161, 183-85
14:23-26 183-85
15:1 143
15:11 184
15:26-27 33, 182-84
16:7-12 183-85
16:12-16 33, 62, 147, 183, 184
16:26-28 143, 161, 184
16:33 184
17:1-5 114, 143, 161-62
17:21 143
17:23 162
18:5-8 33, 162
18:11 143
18:37 35
19:28-30 202
19:34-29 202
20:17 143, 204
20:21 143, 186, 204, 206
20:28 37, 161, 165
20:31 160
1:6-11 205
2:1-4 175, 179
2:17 179, 180
2:24 203
2:32-38 159, 179-80, 204, 206, 227
3:28 180
4:8 180
4:31 180
5:30-31 159
6:3 180
7:55 180
7:59 119
8:16 176, 204
8:18 180
8:29, 39 122, 180
9:14, 21 119
9:17 180
10:19 122, 180
10:38 175
10:47 180
11:2 122
13:1-4 181
13:32-33 137, 160-61
16:6 181
16:7 122, 190
20:23 181
21:4 122
22:16 119
1:3-4 164, 203
1:7-9 119, 164, 217
3:2 28
3:30 114
5:1-5 217
5:10 164
6:1-11 227
7:25 119
8:3 164
8:9-11 187, 190, 203
8:14-17 140, 144, 154, 190
8:26-29 164, 168, 190
8:32 164
9:5 165-66, 170
9:17 28
10:9-17 28, 120, 169, 226
11:33-36 226, 229
12:1 225
[Page 269]
14:1-12 169
14:17-18 191
15:6 144
15:16 191
15:30-33 124, 224
16:25-27 226
1 Corinthians
1:2-3 119-20, 144, 226
1:19 164
1:24, 30 104
2:1-5 217
2:10-16 190
3:16 187
4:1-5 169
6:9 187
6:11 120
6:22 226
8:4, 6 114, 121, 144, 169, 215, 229
8:9 216
10:4 85
11:17-26 120, 169, 227
12:1-3 120, 123, 169, 216
12:4-6 124
12:13 175
13:12 29
14:26 118
15:3 169
15:28 164
15:45 189
15:49 168
16:22 119, 169
2 Corinthians
1:2-3 144
1:9 164
1:20-22 119, 191
3:3 191
3:7ff 167
3:17-18 189
4:4 166
4:6 245
5:17 187
11:31 144
12:8 119
13:4 124
13:14 61, 126
1:4 144
1:16 164
2:20 164, 187
3:11-14 191
3:20 114
3:26-27 227
4:4-7 125, 140, 144, 164, 190, 216
4:16 154
4:30 190
5:18 175, 190
5:25 187
1:1 144
1:3-8 144, 218
1:10 215
1:13-16 164, 218
2:13-18 118, 125-26, 221
2:19-22 222
3:14-17 145, 191
4:5-6 229
4:13 164
5:14 118
5:19 118
[Page 270]
1:2-3 144
1:3-8 125
1:13-15 164, 167
1:15-20 118, 214
1:17 104, 118
2:3 104
2:11-12 227
3:10 168
3:17 119, 225
1:2 144
1:19 190
2:5-11 118, 120, 168-69, 216
3:3 224
4:20 144
1 Thessalonians
1:3 144
1:10 164
3:11-13 119, 144
2 Thessalonians
1:1 144
2:13-18 125, 144
1 Timothy
1:17 114
3:16 118
6:16 244
2 Timothy
3:16-17 28
2:13 165
3:4-7 125, 217, 227
1:3 144
1:1-5 64, 104, 110, 118, 137, 163-64
1:6 163
1:8 165
1:1-14 104
2:9 164
9:11-14 203, 220
9:24 223
10:19-25 220, 223
12:18-24 222
1:17 145
5:10 168
1 Peter
1:1-5 219, 225-26
1:10-12 29, 78
1:19 225
2:4-5 225
2:9-10 225
3:18-22 118
2 Peter
1:1 165
1:4 236
1:21 28
3:18 226
1 John
1:2 144
1:5-7 32-34
2:20 34
2:27 34
3:1-2 144, 207
[Page 271]
3:9 144
3:16-17 144
3:24 35
4:4 145
4:7-12 32, 35
4:13-16 144, 219
5:20 165
1:1 225
1:20-21 225
1:24-25 114, 226
1:4-6 99, 220, 226
1:8 99
1:17 99
3:14 104
4:8 101
4:11 226
5:9-10 118-19
21:1-5 207
22:5-6 168
1 Maccabees
4:30-33 75
1:4-8 109
2:16-18 137
5:5 137
7:21-30 105, 109
14:3 137
18:15-16 107
24:1-5 105
23:1, 4 137-38
51:10 137
13:4 138
14:3 137