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1.  I count a distinct edition, when the bulk of a book has been set up in type afresh, although a few pages, or even a sheet or two, of the former edition may have been kept standing.  By the term, distinct impression, I mean that the bulk of the book remains the same, although a few pages, or even a sheet or two, may have been set up afresh either with or without alterations.

2. For the recto and verso of a leaf I use the letters a and b.

3. Under each edition within the sixteenth century I have set down the Public Libraries (including those of corporate bodies) in which it may be seen, but I have not thought it right to specify such copies as I have found in private hands.  There is no edition earlier than 1623 of which I know so many as ten copies, and there are very few of which I know so many as five.

4. Every edition before the year 1683 is printed in Black Letter.

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1547 G 1.  FIRST EDITION.  Grafton.  Quarto.

Title: "Certain | Sermons, or Homi | lies, appoynted by the | Kynges Maiestie, to be | declared and redde, by all | Persones, Uicars, or | Curates, euery SÇ | day in their Chur | ches, where thei | haue Cure. | Anno. 1547."  "Anno" in Roman Capitals, the rest in Black Letter.  The figure of a Leaf stands before "Certain" in the same line, and a Maltese Cross between two Leaves forms a line immediately below "have Cure."  Forming each side of the Title-frame is a terminal horned figure with foliage and carved work, a male figure on the right or outer side, a female on the left.

Collation.  In all 26½ sheets, the first having for signature a Maltese Cross, the next 5½ a Leaf, the remaining 20 A–U of the large alphabet.  No pagination.  The back of the Title is blank, the Preface is on the third, fourth, and fifth pages, the Table on the sixth, Grafton’s large rebus with "Incitum" in the legend on the seventh, and the eighth is blank.  The second signature comprises six leaves, and just contains the first Homily: the odd half sheet in it is not an inset, but follows the entire sheet.  The sixth signature has its last three pages blank.  The Homily of Faith begins on the first page of the seventh signature, A 1.

Colophon on U 4 a: "Imprynted at London, | the laste daye of Iulii, in the fyrst yere | of the reigne of our souereigne lord | Kinge Edward the .VI: By | Rychard Grafton Printer | to his moste royall | Maiestie. | In the yere of our Lord. | M.D.XLVII. | Cum priuilegio ad impri | mendum solum."  The first line Black Letter, the rest Italic.  A sinister Hand inverted begins the first line, a Leaf begins the last but one.  On U 4 b is Grafton’s rebus, as before.

This edition contains O 4, towards the end of the Homily of Obedience, a passage, about a page in length, "Our sauior Christ —— to cherishe well doers," which is found in no other.  See page 115, note k, of this volume.

Where.  There is a beautiful copy at Oxford in the Bodleian Library, "4o. I. 6. Th. Seld.," in the original contemporary binding, with the "Injunctions" of Edward VI,1 which came from Grafton’s press on the

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1 It seems to have been a common thing to bind these Injunctions (and the King’s Visitation Articles as soon as they were published, see the next note) with the Homilies, whether of Grafton’s or of Whitchurch’s editions; and, as the Injunctions came first in the volume, their colophon has often been preserved when the colophon of the Homilies has been lost.  The words of the two colophons are nearly the same, but they differ in type.  In all editions of the Injunctions Grafton printed the colophon in small Roman Capitals; but in all his editions of the Homilies he used the Italic character, except for the first line, which he put in Black Letter.


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same day; and another in the Library of Corpus Christi College, likewise in the original binding, from which something, probably the "Injunctions," has been cut away.

1547 G 2.  Grafton’s Second Edition.  Quarto.

Title and Title-frame the very same as in G 1.

Collation.  In all 26 sheets, or 25 entire with a half sheet at either end, the first half sheet having for signature a Maltese Cross, the 25 sheets A–Bb, the final half sheet Cc.  No pagination.  The Preface begins on the back of the Title, and occupies the next two pages also.  The first Homily begins on the first page of A 1.  The Table is on Cc 2 a; and the Colophon, which is the very same as in G 1, is on Cc 2 b.

This edition differs in many places from G 1; for example, the words "wrought in faith" were now inserted in the last sentence of the Homily of Good Works.  But the revision seems to have been made hastily.  Indeed it would appear that the order to omit from the Homily of Obedience the passage, "Our sauior Christ" &c., was given while this edition was passing through the press, and even after the next Homily, or at least the first sheet of it, was printed off.  For the last few lines of the Homily of Obedience are spread by a strange display over U 3 a so as to leave a few words only (from "for us all") to come at the top of U 3 b, and then U 4 a (a right hand page) is blank, and the Homily against Adultery begins on U 4 b, a left hand page, such as it begins upon in G 1.  Hence it may be inferred that this edition and Whitchurch’s first were passing through the press about the same time, but that this was the earlier of the two, and was published about or soon after the middle of August.  For Whitchurch follows G 1, not this edition, as he surely would have done if it had appeared before he began to print.  And he follows G 1 page for page till near that omitted passage, when he begins to prepare for its omission and for saving half a sheet in consequence, shewing clearly that the order to leave it out reached him before he came to the place.  See below, 1547 W 1.

Where.  Cambridge: University Library, with the King’s Injunctions.

1547 G 3.  Grafton’s Third Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title: "Certayne | Sermons, or Homi | lies, appoynted by the kyn | ges Maiestie, to bee decla | red and redde, by all per | sones, Uicars, or

[Continued on Page R52]

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Cu | rates, euery Son | daye in their | churches, | where | thei haue | cure. | Anno 1547."  "Certayne" in Italic Capitals, "Anno" Roman, the rest in Black Letter.  Title-frame architectural, consisting of a square column on each side, each having riband and a tablet with projecting ends, an architrave with one head in the centre, and a base with three heads on it.

Collation.  In all 23 sheets, A–Z.  No pagination.  The Table is on the back of the Title, the Preface occupies the next three pages, and the first Homily begins on the sixth page.  The headings of the pages are in Roman Capitals, as also in G 4.

Colophon on Z 4 a: "Imprinted at London, | the laste daie of Iulii, in the firste yere | of the reigne of our souereigne | lorde kyng Edward the .VI: | By Rychard Grafton | printer to his moste | royall Ma | iestie. | In the yere of our Lorde. | M.D.XLVII. | Cum priuilegio ad impri | mendum solum."  The first line begins with a Half Moon and is in Black Letter, the rest Italic. On Z 4 b is Grafton’s large rebus with "Incitum."

Before this edition was printed the text had been revised throughout, and many verbal changes were made.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 25. g. 5." Cambridge: C. C. C., Archbishop Parker’s copy, in the original parchment wrapper, with the King’s Injunctions and Visitation Articles2 prefixed.

1547 G 4.  Grafton’s Fourth Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title, Collation, Colophon, and final page, all as in G 3, except these words in the Title, "Homelies,"3 "Uicares," "they."

Where. British Museum, "T. 1033" / 1 , wanting the final leaf. Sion College. Norwich Cathedral.

1547 G 5.  Grafton’s Fifth Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title, Collation, and Colophon as in G 3, except these words in the

[Continued on Page R53]

2 King Edward’s Visitation Articles were printed by Grafton without date.  It seems to have been a common thing to bind them between the Injunctions and the Homilies, and hence we get some evidence to shew that at any rate they were not issued till near the end of August 1547.  For no known copy of Grafton’s first or second editions of the Homilies or of Whitchurch’s first edition seems to have been bound with them: those editions are found with the Injunctions only, and in one copy of Whitchurch’s edition (British Museum, "697. f. 1") the ink of the Title of the Homilies has come off upon the last page of the Injunctions, shewing plainly that they were bound together wet from the press with nothing between them.  Archbishop Parker’s copy of the Homilies is the earliest in which the Visitation Articles have been found.

3 "Some call them Homelies," says Latimer, adding, "and indeed so they may well be called, for the are homely handled" [by the bad reading of the clergyman or the "talking and babbling" of the congregation].  Second Sermon before King Edward the Sixth, p. 121, 3d. Park. Soc.


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Title, "Homelies," "be," "they," "Cure," except also that the headings of the pages are in Black Letter, as they are in G 6 likewise.  On the last page is the rebus with "Insitum."

Where. Brisish Museum, "C. 25. g. 6," with a final leaf belonging to the Injunctions, not to any edition of the Homilies.  Oxford: Bodl., "4o. P. 16. Th. Seld.," imperfect.

1547 G 6.  Grafton’s Sixth Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title, Collation, Colophon, and final page, all precisely as in G 5, from which edition this can only be distinguished by variations in the text.  Some of those variations will be mentioned immediately.

Where.  Lincoln Cathedral.  In the British Museum is a volume, "C. 25. h. 2," which consists of 9 sheets from G 4 with the headings of the pages in Roman Capitals, and 14 sheets from this G 6 with the headings in Black Letter.  The condition of the volume is such as to make one think it was so made up from the waste of the two editions by Grafton himself.

That the four editions G 3–6 are later than G 2 is clear from the compression of them into smaller bulk, and from the revision of the text in them throughout, of which one instance may here suffice.  The two versions of the quotation from St. Basil, near the beginning of the Second Part of the Homily of Salvation (see page 28, note o, in this volume), which were carelessly allowed to remain together in G 1, remain also in G 2, but the second only is retained in these and all later editions.

The order of the four among themselves is determined by the succession of variations in the text, as may be seen in a few specimens:

Page and line in

edd. 1547 G 3–6

and 1548.

A 3 b, 8 up.            savor G 1–5,             favor G 6, &c.

B 2 a, 1 or 2.         an (before astronomer) G 1–4,     and G 5 and 6, &c.

C 2 a, 5.                were G 1,     wer G 3–5,     we G 6,     be 1548, &c.

C 3 b, 6.                forgiveness G 1–5,         righteousness G 6, &c.

D 4 b, 8 or 9 up.   justified in the law G 1–4,  justified by the law G 6 and 6, &c.

E 1 b, 7 up.           thereby G 1–5,     therefore G 6, &c.

F 2 a, 7.                hereof G 1–3,     thereof G 4–6, &c.

P 3 b, 3 up.           chasten G 1–4,     chastise G 5 and 6, &c.

Q 2 a, 20.             believeth him G 1–3,     believeth on him G 4–6, &c.

Q 2 b, 2.               righteous G 1–3,     righteousness G 4–6,     righteous 1548, &c.


1547 W 1.  Whitchurch’s First Edition.  Quarto.

Title: "Certayne | Sermons, or Homi | lies, appoynted by the | Kynges Maiestie, to be | declared and redde, by all | Persones, Uycars,

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or | Curates, euery SÇ |day in their Chur | ches, where they | haue Cure. | Anno, 1547."  "Certayne" Roman, "Anno" Roman Capitals, the rest Black Letter.  The figure of a Leaf erect stands by itself immediately below "haue Cure."  Title-frame architectural, having a column on each side, a sun on the architrave above, and on the base two Cupids seated supporting a tablet on which is Whitchurch’s monogram.

Collation.  In all 26 sheets, 25 entire and 2 halves, the first sheet having for signature a Maltese Cross, the next 5½ a Half Moon, the remaining 19½ (of which the half sheet comes last) A–U of the large alphabet.  No pagination.  The Table is on the back of the Title, with "Finis" at the end of it in Roman Capitals; the Preface is on the third, fourth, and fifth pages; a list of "Faultes escaped" (20 in number) is on the sixth and seventh; and the eighth is blank.  The second signature has six leaves, and just contains the first Homily: the odd half sheet in it is not an inset, but follows the entire sheet.  The sixth signature has its last three pages blank.  The Homily of Faith begins on the first page of the seventh signature, "A 1."

Colophon on U 2 b: "Imprinted | at London, in Flete strete, | at the signe of the | Sunne, ouer agaynste | the Conduyte, | by Edwarde | Whit | churche, the . xx. daye of Au | gust, in the yeare of | oure Lorde. | 1547.| Cum priuilegio ad imprimen | dum solum."  Lines 1, 4, 13, Roman; 2, 12, Italic; the rest, Black Letter.  "Imprinted" as a Half Moon before it and a Leaf after it.

This edition is evidently printed from Grafton’s first, which it follows closely in its Register.  The saving of half a sheet at the end is made by the omission of the passage "Our sauior" &c. on O 4 and some compression afterwards.  See before, 1547 G 2.

Three impressions of it are known.

The first, which is as described above, occurs in the British Museum, "697. f. 1."/2, and at Oxford in Exeter College and All Souls’ College.

In the second impression the beginning of the small alphabet, a–e, it is used for the five signatures which follow the first, except that the Half Moon still remains on the odd half sheet after a; and about half the "Faultes" are corrected in the text, but not the same faults in all copies.  It is found in the British Museum, "225. a. 16"/2 and in Abp. Tenison’s Library.

The third impression has the characteristics of the second, but the list of "Faultes escaped" does not appear in it, and it has the Table on the sixth page.  The Bodleian Library contains a copy, "Tanner 216," wanting the Title and the fourth leaf, which no doubt was blank.

[Continued on Page R55]

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1547 W 2.  Whitchurch’s Second Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title just as in W 1.

Collation.  In all 25 sheets, the first without signature, then A–Bb omitting Z.  No pagination.  The Table is on the back of the Title, with "Finis" in Roman character, large, but not in Capitals; the Preface is on the next three pages; the sixth is blank; and the first Homily begins on the seventh page.

Colophon on Bb 4 b, the very same as in W 1.

In this edition the text throughout has been revised fully as much as in G 3–6, but differs from them very frequently, and many of its readings seem to be in themselves the better of the two.  This is especially the case in the Homilies of the Misery of Mankind, of Charity, and against Adultery, in which, where it varies from G 3–6, it usually agrees with Bonner’s and Becon’s own editions.  And there is one place (see page 20, note p. of this volume) where that which is undoubtedly the true reading has been preserved in no edition of the Homilies but this and W 3, which was printed from this.  Nevertheless none of these editions of Whitchurch in 1547 is concerned in the succession of the text, as will be stated under 1549 W.

Where.  Cambridge: University Library; Jesus College.

1547 W 3.  Whitchurch’s Third Known Edition.  Quarto.

Title just as in W 1 and 2, except the second line, which is "Sermons or homi-."

Collation and general description the same as in W 2.

Colophon on Bb 4 b : "Imprinted at | London, in Flete strete, | at the signe of the | Sunne, ouer agaynste | the Conduyte, | by Edwarde | Whit | churche, the . v . daye of No | uember, in the yeare of | oure Lord. | 1547. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimen | dum solum."  Lines 1, 4, 13, Roman; 2, 12, Italic; the rest, Black Letter.  The first line begins with a Half Moon.

This edition closely follows W 2, but is not so carefully printed.

Where.  Oxford: Exeter College.

1548.  Grafton.  Quarto.

Title as in 1547 G 5 and 6, except the date, which is "Anno. M.D.XLVIII." all in Roman Capitals.  Title-frame as in 1547 G 3–6, except that the columns are changed over, producing an impossible perspective.

Collation and general description the same as in 1547 G 3–6.

Colophon also the same, except line 2, which is "the . xxi . daye of

[Continued on Page R56]

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Iune, in the seconde yere", and the date of the year, which is "M.D.XLVIII."  On the last page is the rebus with "Insitum."

This edition closely follows 1547 G 6.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 25. g," two copies, one perfect, the other wanting the final leaf.  Lambeth. Oxford: Exeter College. Durham: Dr. Routh’s Library.

1549 G.  First Edition in Parts.  Grafton. Quarto.

Title: "Certayne | Sermons, or Home | lies, appointed by the kyn | ges Maiestie, to be decla | red and redde, by all per | sones, Uicars, or Cu | rates, euery Son | daye in their | churches, | wher | they haue | Cure | Newly imprinted and by | the Kynges highnes | aucthorite deuided. | Anno M.D.XLIX."  The first and last lines in Roman Capitals, the rest in Black Letter.  Title-frame as in 1547 G 3–6, except that the base has no heads upon it and does not fit the sides.

Collation. In all 24 sheets, A–Aa.  No pagination.  Table, Preface, &c., on the same pages as in 1547 G 3–6.

Colophon at the foot of Aa 3 b : "Excusum Londini in ædibus Richardi Graftoni | Regii Impressoris. | Mense Augustij. M.D.xlix. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum."  All Italic.  On Aa 4 a is the rebus with "Insitum:" Aa 4 b in blank.

This edition seems to have been printed in haste and carelessly: see, for instance, the opening of the Third Part of the Homily of Salvation on E 3 b, given in page 32, note n, of this volume.

Where.  Oxford: Bodl. "4o. C. 127. Th."; C. C. C.

1549 W.  Whitchurch.  Quarto.

Title: "certayne | sermÇs appoynted by ye | kinges Maiestie, to be | declared and reade, | by al persons, ui | cars or Cu | rates, euery Sonday and holy | daye in theyr Churches, | where they haue Cure: | Newly Imprinted in | partes, according as | is mcioned in the | boke of commÇ | prayer. | An. D. 1549."  "Certayne" Italic Capitals, "An. D." Italic, the rest Black Letter.  Title-frame as in 1547 W 1–3.

Collation.  In all 25 sheets, A–Bb.  No pagination.

Colophon on Bb 3 b: "Imprinted at London | in Flete strete at the signe of the | Sunne, by Edwarde | Whitchurche. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. | An. Do. 1549."  Line 1, Roman; 2, 3, 4, Black Letter; 5, 6, Italic.  Line 5 begins with a Half Moon.  On Bb 4 a is a cut representing a scene from the Apocalypse, the woman crowned standing on the moon, &c., with these legends; on the left, "All fayre and whyte arte thou my Churche, and no spot is in thee.";

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at the top, "Thus sayeth the Lorde"; on the right, "I haue hated the Malignaunt Congregacion."; all Italic.  Bb 4 b is blank.

In this edition Whitchurch did not follow either of his own texts of 1547, but Grafton’s of 1548 or 1549, introducing into it however many variations, which have remained to modern times.  For it was this edition, or some later one by Whitchurch, not any one of Grafton’s, which was followed in 1559.

Where.  Oxford: Bodl., "4o. N. 27. Jur."; Christ Church, imperfect.  Cambridge: St. John’s College, "Qq. 11. 12," wanting the last leaf.

1549.  Oswen, at Worcester.  Quarto.

Title, the same words as in 1549 W in 19 lines, the last line in Italic Capitals, the rest in Black Letter.  Between blocks of the Title-frame on either side is a legend from Mark 16:15–16, in Italic character.

Collation.  In all 25 sheets, A–Bb.  No pagination.

Colophon on Bb 4 a: "Imprinted the | eyghte day of October, | Anno. Do. M.D. XLIX. | At Worceter by | Ihon Oswen. | They be also to sell at Shrewesbury. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum."  The third line Italic Capitals, the last Italic, the rest Black Letter.  Bb 4 b is blank.

This edition closely follows 1549 W.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 25. g."

1551.  Grafton.  Quarto.

Title: "Certain | Sermones, or Home | lies, appoincted by the kyn | ges Maiestie, to bee decla | red and read, by all Perso | nes, Uicars, or Cura | tes, euery Son | daie in their | churches, | where | thei haue | Cure. | Newly imprinted, and by | the kynges highnes au | cthoritee diuided. | Anno. 1551."  "Anno" Italic, the rest Black Letter.  A Half Moon before "Certain" and before "Newly."

Collation, Colophon, and final leaf, all as in 1549 G, except that the date in the Colophon is omitted.

In this edition Grafton followed his own text of 1549, not Whitchurch’s; and therefore, as Whitchurch, not Grafton, was followed in 1559, this edition is not concerned in the succession of the text.

Cambridge: St. John’s College, "Qq. 11. 13," wanting the first two sheets.  Durham: Dr. Routh’s Library, wanting the final leaf and otherwise imperfect.

1552?  Grafton.  Octavo, Pocket Size.

Title, and therefore Date, not known.

Collation.  In all 17 sheets, A–R.  No pagination.

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Colophon at the foot of R 3 b: "Excusum Londini, in ædibus Richar | di Graftoni Regii Impressoris. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum."  All Italic.

This edition seems to follow the Quarto of 1551.

Where.  British Museum, "3932. a,"/1 wanting Title and C 8.

1559.  First Known Edition Under Queen Elizabeth.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.

Title: "¶ Certayne Sermons appoynted by | the Quenes Maiestie, | to be declared and read, | by all Persones, Uycars, and | Curates, euery Sonday and | holy daye, in theyr Churches : | And by her Graces aduyse | perused & ouersene, for | the better understan | dyng of the simple | people. | Newly Imprynted in partes, | accordyng as is menci | oned in the booke | of Commune | prayers. | ( : ) | Anno. M.D. Lix. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ | Maiestatis."  Lines 1, 2, 19, 20, Italic; the rest Black Letter, lines 3–11 being in larger type than 12–18.  The Title-frame is composed of four blocks of scroll foliage, the foot-block having in its centre "R. I." within a circle with "Omnia Desuper" as a motto round it.

Collation.  In all 24 sheets, A–Aa.  No pagination.  The catchword at the end of sheet "R" is "kynges," as the text stood under Edward VI, whereas the first word of sheet "S" is "quenes," to suit the reign of Elizabeth.  This curious error is continued in the quarto editions of 1562 and 1563, which successively followed this page for page.

Colophon on Aa 4 a: "Imprynted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and | Iohn Cawood printers to the | Quenes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  The first line Black Letter, the rest Italic.  Aa 4 b is blank.

This edition was based upon 1549 W, or some later one of Whitchurch, not upon any one from Grafton’s press.  But many verbal changes were made in the text, partly by substitution, partly by addition, all intended, as the Title says, to make the language plainer.  Probably they were made by different hands; and such as were introduced into the First Part of the Homily against the Fear of Death, many of which were unnecessary and some absurd, were afterwards struck out and are only found in this edition.  This also is the only edition after the accession of Elizabeth in which the title, "supreme head over all," is retained in the Homily of Obedience for the Sovereign.  See page 106, note r, of this volume.

There appear to have been several impressions or issues of it.  I have examined four copies, and do not find one of them printed from

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the same fount of type throughout; and three of the four contain one sheet, "U," and one of them contains another, "Q," quite different from the corresponding sheets in the fourth copy, which I take to be the oldest.4

Where.  British Museum, "C. 15. a. 16."/1.

1562, 8vo.  Jugge and Cawood.  Octavo, Pocket Size.

Title in 17 lines, ending "M.D.LXII.": the first Roman, the rest Black Letter.  The Title-frame has the royal arms with supporters at the top, terminal figures of a Fawn and a Nymph at the sides, and at foot within a circle a crowned figure holding what seems to be a sceptre in the right hand and two dogs by a leash with the left.

Collation.  In all 17 sheets, A–R.  No pagination.

Colophon at the foot of R 8 b: "Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde, by Richard Iugge, and | Iohn Cawood Printers to the | Queenes Maistyes. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–4, Black Letter, 5 Roman.

From variations in the text it appears that this is earlier than either of the two Quarto editions, A and B, of the same year: of thirty-four places in which ed. 1559 differs from ed. 1562 A, this agrees in twenty-five with ed. 1559, and only in nine with ed. 1562 A.  And this is the only edition after King Edward’s reign which retains the sentence, "Let us look upon our feet" &c., at the end of the First Part of the Homily of the Misery of Man, which was first dropped in 1549 W.  See page 20, note i, of this volume.

Where.  British Museum, "695. a. 21."

1562 A.  Jugge and Cawood?  Quarto.

Title in 15 lines, ending "Anno M.D.LXII.": lines 1–3 Roman, 4–14 Black Letter of three sizes (4 and 5 large, 12–14 small), 15 Italic.  Title-frame architectural, having pilasters of false proportion at the sides, in the centre of the architrave a medallion with a man’s head looking towards his right, in the centre of the base a shield bearing Cawood’s merchant’s mark.

Collation.  In all 24 sheets, A–Aa.  No pagination.

I cannot give the Colophon, because the only copy I have seen wants the final leaf, on which it should be.

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4 Strype (Life of Parker, B. II, Ch. iii) says there was an edition printed "Anno M.D.LX.," "and added at the end of the quarto edition of the Book of Common Prayer" which was printed by Jugge and Cawood in that year.  He may have seen the two bound together in one volume, as has been done with later editions, for example, with the Oxford editions of 1683 described below; but the Prayer Book of 1560 was a complete book by itself with its own Title and Colophon, and no doubt the Homilies formed a complete book likewise.  I have not discovered a copy of the edition.  It is plain that Strype had not seen the edition of 1559.


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1562 B.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.

Title in 18 lines, ending "1562. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis.": line 1 Italic Capitals, 2 Italic, 3–16 Black Letter, date "1562." between black lines which reach nearly across the page, line 18 Roman.  Title-frame quasi-architectural, consisting of an architrave with fruit and vases and with Jugge’s monogram in the centre supported by two terminal figures, a male and a female, and a base on which is an oval tablet between two lions couchant.

Collation. In all 24 sheets, A–Aa.  No pagination.

Colophon on Aa 4 a: "Imprinted at Lon | don in Powles Churcheyarde, by Richard | Iugge, and Iohn Cawood Prynters | to the Quenes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–4 Black Letter, 5 Italic: the first line begins with a Leaf inverted.  Aa 4 b is blank.

Where.  Lambeth.  Lincoln Cathedral, wanting title, and otherwise imperfect.

The order of the two editions 1562 A and B is determined by the following and several other variations.




In 1562 A

and all earlier. 

In 1562 B

and all later.

B 3 a,

D 2 b,

H 2 b,

M 1 a,

U 2 b,




8 up.



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1563.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.

Title in 17 lines: 1 Italic Capitals; 2 and 17 Italic; 3–15 Black Letter; 16, the date "1563.", between black lines.  Title-frame the same as in 1562 A.

Collation. In all 24 sheets. A–Aa.  No pagination.

Colophon on Aa 4 a: "Imprinted at London | in Powles Churcheyard, by Richard | Iugge, and Iohn Cawood Prin | ters to the Quenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  All Roman, line 1 in Capitals.  Aa 4 b is blank.

Where.  Oxford: Bodl., "Douce, HH. 256"; Wadham College.  Cambridge: University Library.

1569.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.5

Title in 17 lines: 1, Roman Capitals; 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, Roman; 3 and 17, Italic; 5–10, 12, 14, Black Letter; 16, the date "1569.", be-

[Continued on Page R61]

5 The description "quarto in eights" does not mean that the book is made up of large double sheets folded each into eight leavees of 4to size, but that each signature, when full, comprises two separate sheets, one of which is an inset to the other, so that the outer one consists of ff. 1, 2, 7, and 8, and the inner one of ff. 3–6.  Therefore in closely collating different copies of such books it is necessary to compare both halves of each signature.  Perhaps the earliest example of this practice occurs in the sheet inserted in the middle of sign. "Ccc" in the first edition (1563 A) of the Second Book of Homilies: at least it is not found in any edition or either Book before that date, and it is found in every 4to edition after it.  The practice continues to this day in folio volumes for convenience in binding, a single signature often comprising two, three, or even four sheets; and a familiar instance of it is seen in the Times newspaper.


[Page R61]

tween black lines which reach nearly across the page.  Title-frame the same as in 1562 A.

Collation.  In all 23 sheets in 13 signatures, A–N, the last of one sheet (four leaves) only.  No pagination. The Preface is in Roman character except "Homily" and ‘Homilies".

Colophon at the foot of N 4 a: "¶ Imprinted at London in Paules Church | Yarde, by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Ca | wood, Printers to the Que | nes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–4 Roman, 5 Italic.  N 4 b is blank.

Where.  British Museum, "1026. e. 15"/1; in this copy the tail of the "9" in the Title is gone, so that the date seems at first to be "1560".6  Oxford: C.C.C. York Cathedral.

1574. R.  Jugge.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 16 lines: 1, Italic; 2, Black Letter large; 3–13, Black Letter small; 14, the date "1574."; 15, 16, Roman. Title-frame the same as in 1562 B.

Collation, as in 1569.

Colophon at the foot of N 4 a: "¶ Imprinted at London by Newgate | market, next unto Christes Churche, | by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1 and 3–6 Roman, 2 Italic. N 4 b is blank.

Where.  Oxford: Bodl., "4o. N. 27*. Jur.", in its original binding; New College.

1576. R.  Jugge.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 17 lines: 1 and 3–11, Italic; 2, 16, 17, Roman; 12–14, Black Letter small; 15, the date "1576."  Title-frame of Elizabethan carved work, with a little foliage and fruit on a cord over the top and down the sides and a bird on each side at the top pecking at it, in the base on a wreath a bush or tree with two stems intertwined and a nightingale sitting in it, and below "Omne. Bonu. Supernae."

Collation, as in 1569.

Colophon at the foot of N 4 a: "¶ Imprinted at London by Ri-

[Continued on Page R62]

6 This copy was so entered in the Old Catalogue, and a collation of Cranmer’s three Homilies in it is given with that date in the Parker Society’s edition of Cranmer’s Works.


[Page R62]

chard | Iugge, Printer to the Queenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1 and 3 Roman, 2 and 4 Italic. N 4 b is blank.

Where.  Prayer Book and Homily Society.



1563 A.  First Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.

Title: "The seconde | Tome of Homelyes, of | such matters as were pro | mysed and Intituled in | the former part of Ho | melyes, set out by | the aucthoritie | of the Quenes | Maiestie : | And to be read in euery paryshe | Church | agrea | blye. | 1563."  All Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in ed. 1562 B of the First Book.

Collation.  In all 74 sheets: first a half sheet without signature; then 72 entire sheets, Bb–Ddddd (Kk and Ll being used a second time for Ppp and Qqq), with an extra sheet inserted in the middle of sign. "Ccc"; and lastly a half sheet at the end, Eeeee.  No pagination.  The Admonition is on the back of the Title.  The Table is on the next two pages.  The first Homily begins on "Bb. i."  After the last Homily is a list of "Faultes escaped in the printyng."  The inserted sheet in Ccc comes into the Homily of Fasting, which originally was not divided into two Parts.  There is a signature, "Ccc. iii.", printed on its first leaf, but no other leaf of it is marked in that manner; whereas the original "Ccc", like every other sheet in the volume, bears a signature on each of its first three leaves.  The first words of the original "Ccc. iii." (now the seventh leaf of that signature), "for the use of fastying", are struck out with a pen.  Seventeen leaves in the volume are cancels, namely, these twelve, Dd 4, Qq 2, Ss 2, Bbb 4, Lll 1, Ll (for Qqq) 1, Rrr 2, Ffff 3 and 4, Gggg 4, Hhhh 1, and Kkkk 1, and these five (of which more is said in the Preface to this volume), Gg 1, Mm 2, Kk (for Ppp) 3, Aaaa 4, Iiii 3; and copies are apt to be defective in these places.

Colophon at the foot of the last page, after the list of "Faultes": "Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde, by Richard Iugge, and | Iohn Cawood, Printers to the | Quenes Maiestie. | ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  The last line Italic, the rest Black Letter.  The first line begins with a Half Moon.

Such is a description of the book as it usually occurs, and as it is found in the collection of the Prayer Book and Homily Society, and at Cambridge, in St. John’s College, "Qq. II. 7.", and "Qq. II. 13." (imperfect), and in Trinity College (wanting the Table).  But there is a copy in the British Museum, "C. 25. h. 3" (formerly "1026. e. 16"), which I believe to be unique, and of which I have given a full account in my

[Continued on Page R63]

[Page R63]

Preface at pages [R17–R29].  It is without the Admonition, having the back of the Title blank; it is without the inserted sheet in "Ccc"; of the 17 leaves specified above the five last mentioned are the original leaves, not the cancels; and the last line of the Colophon has "Rægie", an error which I have seen in one other copy.  It is cited in this volume as "1563 A 1."

1563 B.  The Second Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights*.7

Title: "The seconde | Tome of Homelyes of | such matters as were pro | mised and Intuituled in | the former part of Ho | melyes, set out by | the aucthoritie of | the Quenes | Maiestie : | And to be read in euery | paryshe Churche | agreablye. | 1563."  All Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in A.

Collation.  In all 73½ sheets in 38 signatures, Aa–Ppp, Ss and Tt having only four leaves each and Ppp only six.  Leaves numbered, Fol. 1—Fol. 292, "Fol. 1" being "Aa. iii."  On the back of the Title is the Admonition: the initial "F" is large, with a sphinx and scroll foliage, and with 14 short lines of text against it and 17 long lines below, none of them set in.  The Table is on the next two pages: the heading begins with a quincunx of small figures which may all be called stars, although there are no rays to any but the central one; nos. 14–17 have "Fol. 2005" &c. in accordance with the error on the leaves themselves mentioned below.  The first Homily begins on "Fol. 1."

The book was printed at two presses, perhaps at two offices, the former half probably by Jugge, the latter (beginning from "Uu") by Cawood.  The division was made at the end of sign. Nnn of the first edition; but in making it the bulk of matter was miscalculated, and hence "Ss" and "Tt", which are the last two signatures of the former half, have but four leaves each, and the matter is spread very wide on ff. 136 and 137 in "Ss".  The former half is in a sharper and clearer type, and is printed better in every way,8 than the latter.  In the former half the signatures are made thus, "Aa (iii)", "Tt (i)", and the first four leaves only are marked in each; in the latter half they are made thur, "Uu. i.", "Ppp. v.", and five leaves in each are marked.  The leaves are marked "Fol. 1", "Fol. 2", &c., uniformly throughout the first half; in the second half "Fo." occurs frequently for "Fol."  The same division into halves for printing was made in the other editions of 292 leaves, C, D, E, and F, in order no doubt to supply more quickly the large demand for the new Tome; and these remarks apply equally to those editions also.

[Continued on Page R64]

7 See note 1 on ed. 1569 of the First Book.

8 Of 259 variations which I have noted among the seven editions B–H only 25 occur within the first half of B–F.


[Page R64]

In this edition nearly all the 37 leaves following "Fol. 200" are numbered with a superfluous cypher, 2001–2037; and two have two cyphers to many, "20011," "20013."  The last page of text, fol. 292 a, has these readings: "of Repentaunce", "Fo. 292.", "Christ", "inheritaãce", "kingdome", "heauen.", "Christ", "honour": below "Amen." is a Leaf within "( )" having its stalk to the left, and then a black line across the page; lower down is the figure of a Pediment.

Colophon on fol. 292 b: "Imprinted at Lon | don in Powles Churchyarde, | by Rychard Iugge, and Ihon Ca | wood, Prynters to the | Quenes Maie | stie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–6 Black Letter, 7 Italic.  A black line above "Imprinted" &c., also above and below "Cum priuilegio" &c.  A Pediment underneath.

Where. Lambeth.9  Oxford: Wadham College. Cambridge: St. John’s College, T. 9. 15."

1563 C.  The Third Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title, Admonition and Table in the very same as in B.

Collation also the same, except as follows.  The leaves following "Fol. 200" are numbered correctly.  The last page of text has these readings: "of Repentance.", "Fol. 292.", "Christ", "inherytaunce", "kingdome", "heauen.", "Chryst", "honoure": below "Amen." is a Dexter Hand pointing, then a black line and a Pediment as in B.

Colophon as in B, but with "Richard" and "Printers" instead of "Rychard" and "Prynters."  The three black lines and Pediment as in B.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 15. a. 16"/2. Cambridge: St. John’s College, "Qq. II. 12," very imperfect.  Each of these copies has two or three sheets belonging to B.

1563 D.  The Fourth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title and Admonition the very same as in B and C.  The Table also the same, except that the heading begins with a Half Moon instead of the quincunx of Stars, and that Nos. 14–17 have "Fol. 205" &c. correctly, as the leaves themselves have.

Collation likewise the same, except as follows.  The last page of text has these readings: "of Repentaunce", "Fol. 292.", "Chryst", "in-

[Continued on Page R65]

9 The Lambeth copy of 1563 B contains marks and writing of Abp. Whitgift throughout ff. 89–102 and on fol. 179 a, the former being his directions for abridging and slightly altering the Homily of Fasting to accompany the Form of Prayer which he put out for the use of his diocese in 1586, while the latter is the correction of an error in the Homily of Almsdeeds on the same occasion, which nevertheless has remained in every edition of the Homilies till now. See page 397, note q, in this volume.


[Page R65]

heritaunce", "kyngdome", "heauen,", "Chryst", "honour": below "Amen." is a Dexter hand pointing, but no black line and no Pediment.

Colophon as in C, but with no black lines and no Pediment below.  The second line does not range well, being too far to the left.

Where.  British Museum, "1026. e. 17," wanting the first two leaves.

1563 E.  The Fifth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title and Admonition the very same as in B, C, and D, except that the letter "i" has dropped out from the words, "committed," "edification," "consider," "office," in lines 18, 25, 26, 28 of the Admonition.  The Table the same as in D.

Collation also the same, except as follows.  The last page of text has these readings: "of repentaunce", "Fo. 292.", "Chryst", "inheritaunce", "kyngdome", "heauen.", "Chryst", "honour": below "Amen." is a Dexter Hand pointing inverted, with no black line, but with a Pediment underneath.

Colophon precisely as in D.

Where.  Cambridge: University Library, wanting ff. 102, 103.

1563 F.  The Sixth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title the very same as in B–E.  The Admonition has its heading in two lines, its initial "F" small, on foliage, with six short lines against it, then eight long lines, and then the lines begin to be set in.  The Table is the same as in D and E.

Collation likewise the same, except as follows.  The last page of text has these readings: "of Repentaunce.", "Fol. 292", "Christ", "inheritance", "kingdome", "heauen,", "Christ", "honor": below "Amen." is a Leaf with its stalk to the left, with no black lines and no Pediment

Colophon as in C, with the three black lines, but with no Pediment underneath. Lines 4–6 do not range well.

Where.  Oxford: Bodl., "Tanner 214"; New College.

Of E I have seen no more than one copy.  On the whole it seems to be prior to F, yet in several sheets F is the earlier.  Therefore in the short table of variations given immediately after 1563 H, and likewise in the Various Readings throughout the Book, I have thought it safer for the most part to quote "1563 E F" jointly, and not to specify the two editions separately.

[Continued on Page R66]

[Page R66]

1563 G.  The Seventh Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 11 lines besides the date "1563.": lines 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, Black Letter; 2, 8, 10, 11, Roman; 4, 6, Italic.  Title-frame the same as in A–F.

Collation.  In all 72 sheets in 36 signatures, Aa–Nnn. "Aa (iii)" is marked "Fol. 1."; the following leaves are numbered only.  The last number is "287", but ought to be "285", for "167" and "182" have been omitted by error.  The final leaf, Nnn 8, is not marked.  The back of the Title is blank.  The Admonition is on the third page, the Table on the fourth.

The first demand having been supplied by six editions, this was printed more leisurely at one press, probably in Jugge’s office.  It follows B–F sheet for sheet and mostly page for page to the end f sign. "Rr", f. 134, and then begins to come into less compass.

Colophon on Nnn 8 a: "Imprinted at Lon | don in Powles Churchyarde | by Richarde Iugge and Iohn | Cawood, Printers to the Queenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis." Line 1, Roman Capitals; 2, 4, 5, 6, Roman; 3, Italic.  Line 1 begins with a Leaf.  On Nnn 8 b is Jugge’s device, exhibiting a pelican in her piety, with "Pro Lege Rege, et Grege" over her head on the inner oval, and "Love kepyth the Lawe, obeyeth the Kynge, and is good to the Commen Welthe." in an outer oval round her, a figure of "Prudencia" on one side and of "Iusticia" on the other, and at the bottom Jugge’s monogram.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 25. g," wanting the final leaf. Prayer Book and Homily Society.  Oxford: Bodl. "Douce, HH 256."

1563 H.  The Eighth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 11 lines besides "(ˆ)" and the date "1563.": line 1’ Roman Capitals; 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, Black Letter; 3, 10, Roman; 5, 7’ Italic.  The first line begins with a Leaf. Title-frame the same as in ed. 1562 A of the First Book.

Collation.  In all 69½ sheets in 35 signatures, Aa–Mmm, the last of six leaves only.  Leaves marked as in G, the last being "276."

This also was printed all at one press, perhaps in Cawood’s office; and the compression in it begins much earlier than in G, and makes a greater saving.  Perhaps both this and G, though bearing the date of 1563, were really printed after that year.

Colophon at the foot of fol. 276 b: "Imprinted at London | in

[Continued on Page R67]

[Page R67]

Paules Churchyarde by Richard | Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Prin | ters to the Queenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis." Line 1, Roman Capitals; 2, 6, Roman; 3, 5, Black Letter; 4, Italic.  The first line begins with a Leaf.

Where.  Oxford: Exeter College.

Among these eight editions, 1563 A–H, the priority of A is shewn by unquestionable tokens.  The order of B–H is determined by the succession of variations in the text, of which a few specimens are here given; and the compression into smaller compass is a further proof that G is later than B–F, and H than G.

Page and line

in edd. B–F.

Fol. 70 a, 7.     fell down A–G,     fall down H, &c.

71 b, 6 up.     Antoninus Verus A–D,     Antonius Verus E–H, &c.

106 b, 16.     horrible A–F,     terrible G, H, &c.

139 a, 12.     in the week A–D,     of the week E–H, &c.

146 b, 6.     attone A–F,     atone G,     at one H, &c.

163 b, 21.     if he thirst A, B; if he be thirst C; if he be thirsty D–H, &c.

174 b, 6 up.     effectually A–F;     especially G, H, &c.

177 b, 9 up.     medicine A–C;     remedy D–H, &c.

210 a, 10.     bold A, B; bould C;     bound D, E; bold F–H, &c.

250 b, 14.     delectation A, B;     declaration C–H, &c.


1567, but 1563 in the Title.  The First Known Edition with Pages Numbered.

Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 16 lines besides the date "1563.": lines 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, Roman; 2, 9, Italic; 4, 6, 10–16, Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in 1563 A–G.

Collation.  In all 68 sheets in 34 signatures, A–Ll, making pp. 543 besides the final page.  On the back of the Title, p. 2, is the Table; the Admonition, all in Roman character, is on p. 3; and the first Homily begins on p. 4 or A 2 b.

Colophon on the last page: "Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and | Iohn Cawood, printers to the | Queenes Maiestie. | Ann. 1567.  The .xvii. of October. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  All Roman.  The first line begins with a Leaf.  Below is a device resembling the one in 1563 G, but smaller, and with "Cogita. Mori" at the top of it.

Where.  Cambridge: St. John’s College, "Qq. II. 5," wanting the Title.

[Continued on Page R68]

[Page R68]

1570.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 13 lines besides the date "1570": lines 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, Roman; 2, 9, Italic; 4, 6, 10–13, Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in 1567.

Collation also the same.

Colophon n the last page: "¶ Imprinted at London in Powles | Church yarde by Rychard Iugge and Iohn | Cawood printers to the Queenes | Maiestie. Anno. 1570. | The .23. of Iune. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Line 2, Italic; the rest, Roman. Below is the same device as in 1563 G.

Where.  British Museum, "1026. e. 15"/2. York Cathedral.

1571.  The First Edition that Contains the Homily Against Rebellion.

Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 12 lines besides the date "1571.": lines 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, Roman; 2, Italic; 4, 6, 9–12, Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in 1567.

Collation.  In all 77 sheets in 39 signatures, A–Qq, the last with four leaves only: pp. 616 as marked, besides the final leaf, which contains the Thanksgiving; but the last number marked ought to be 614, for 591 and 600 are left out.  The Homily against Rebellion begins on p. 544, which was the final page in 1567 and 1570.

Colophon at the foot of Qq 4 b: "¶ Imprinted at London in Poules | Churchyarde, by Richarde Iugge, and | Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes | Maiestie." Lines 1, 3, 4, Roman; 2, Italic.

Where.  British Museum, "4455. b." Oxford: C. C. C.

1574. R.  Jugge.  Quarto in Eights.

Title in 13 lines besides the date "1574.": lines 1, 3–7, Roman; 2, Italic; 8–13, Black Letter.  Title-frame the same as in ed. 1576 of the First Book.

Collation the same as in 1571.  It should be observed that this edition is not uniform with the edition of the First Book printed in the same year.  They differ in title-frame, pagination, type, and length of page.

Colophon at the foot of Qq 4 b: "Imprinted at London by Newgate | Market next unto Christes Church, | by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1, 3–5, Roman; 2, Italic.10

Where.  Oxford: Bodl., "4o. N. 27. Jur."  Between this copy and

[Continued on Page R69]

10 The variation recorded in page 158, note c, of this volume makes it probable that there was an edition of Book II after 1574 in which "noon" in that place was printed "none"; and the variation specified in page 191, note p, seems to prove that there was an edition printed in 1577.  Queen Elizabeth’s letter to the Bishops, dated May 7, 1577, in which she ordered a more general use of the Homilies in accordance with her Injunctions, is another reason for expecting to find an edition of that year.  Cardwell’s Documentary Annals, I, 373.

Probably that edition introduced many of the readings which are now found first in 1582, if at least it were printed by Christopher Barker, who succeeded Jugge as the Queen’s Printer in that very year.  But I have searched for it in vain.  If any collector has a copy, and will do me the favour of letting me examine it, I shall be much obliged to him.  And I take this opportunity for saying that I shall be grateful to any one who will send me any correction or addition to this List.


[Page R69]

Dr. Corrie’s, which by his kind permission I have examined, there is a variation in page 123, lines 13 and 14; as is specified in page 243, note y, of this volume.



The First Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.

1561 or 1562 ? certainly earlier than the first edition of the Second Book.

No title.  Heading : "An Homylye deui | ded into three partes, for the dayes | or Rogation weke. | That all good thynges commeth from God." Lines 1–3 Black Letter, 4 Italic.  The first line begins with a Half Moon.

Collation.  In all 4½ sheets in 4 signatures made by Half Moons, that last with six leaves.  No pagination.

Colophon on the last page: "Imprinted at London in Powles | Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and | Iohn Cawood, Printers to the | Queenes Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–4 Black Letter, 5 Italic.

Where.  Lambeth. Cambridge: Sidney Sussex College, "S. 6. 20."



A.  First Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.  1570 ?

No Title. Heading: "An Homelie against | disobedience and wylfull rebellion." Line 1 Roman 2 Italic.  Then, "¶ The first part.", Roman.

Collation.  In all 10 sheets. A–K.  No pagination.  The Homily is divided into five Parts only.  The fifth Part begins on G 4 a, and ends on K 2 a.  The Thanksgiving fills the next two pages, K 2 b and K 3 a.

[Continued on Page R70]

[Page R70]

Colophon at the top of K 3 b: "¶ Imprinted at Lon | don in Powles Churchyarde by | Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, | printers to the Queenes Ma | iestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Line 2 Italic, the rest Roman.  Below is the same device as in ed. 1563 G of the Second Book.  At the top of K 4 a is a statement of "Faultes escaped," comprised in six lines.  The remainder of that page, and the whole of the final page, K 4 b, is blank.

Where.  Cambridge: St. John’s College, "Hh. 9. 15."

B.  The Second Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.  1570 ?

No title. Heading: "An Homilie against | disobedience and wylful rebellion."  Line 1 Roman, 2 Italic.  Then, "The first part.", Roman.

Collation.  In all 10 sheets. A–K. No pagination.  The Homily is now divided into six Parts.  The initial "W" on G 4 a (the beginning of Part 5) is large with 11 short lines against it.  The Notice "Thus have you heard" &c. at the bottom of H 3 b (the end of Part 5) is in small type, there being scarcely room to get it in.  The sixth Part begins on H 4 a, and ends on K 2 b.  The Thanksgiving is on K 3.

Colophon and device, the same as in ed. A, on K 4 a. K 4 b is blank.

C.  The Third Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.  1570 ?

No Title.  Heading: "an Homilie a | gainst disobedience and wyl | full rebellion."  Lines 1, 3, Roman; 2, Italic : the first line begins with a Leaf.  Then, "¶ The first part.", Roman.

Collation the same as in ed. B, except that the initial "W" on G 4 a is smaller and has only 8 short lines against it, whereby the space of two lines is gained, there is no crowding at the bottom of H 3 b, and the Notice there is in the same type as the rest.  Several other pages likewise shew that the printer took more pains with this edition than with B, especially in making the number of lines in a page 32 uniformly.

Colophon, device, &c., precisely as in ed. B.

Where.  British Museum, "225. e. 34."

D.  The Fourth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.  1570 ?

No title.  Heading: "¶ An Homilie a | gaynst disobedience and wyl | ful rebellion."  Lines 1, 3, Roman; 2, Italic.  Then, "The first part", Roman, with a cinquefoil before it.

[Continued on Page R71]

[Page R71]

Collation the same as in ed. C.  In the Notice at the foot of H 3 b "the sixt part" is printed by error for "the fifth part"; and there are several other errors throughout the Homily.

Colophon at the top of K 4 a: "Imprinted at Lon | don in Powles Churchyarde, by Ri | charde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, | Printers to the Queenes | Maiestie. | ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Line 2 Italic, the rest Roman: line 1 begins with a Leaf. Below the same device as in the earlier editions.  K 4 b is blank.

Where.  Lambeth.

E.  The Fifth Known Edition.  Jugge and Cawood.  Quarto.  1570 ?

No Title.  Heading the same as in ed. D, except that the last line is "¶ The first part."

Collation, Colophon, &c., the same as in ed. D, with the same error at the bottom of sign. H 3 b, which also remains in ed. 1571 of the Second Book.

Where.  British Museum, "1026. e. 15"/3.

Among these five editions the priority of A is clear. The order of B–E is determined by the succession of variations in the text, of which a few specimens are here given.

Page and line

in edd. C–E.

A 4 a,     12, 13.     constitute A, B;     constituted C–E, &c.

C 3 a,     14.         furdest A–D;     furthest E, &c.

D 2 b,     16.     with words A–D;     worth words E, 1571.

G 1 b,     17.     possiblie A–C;     possible D, E, &c.

H 2 a,     16.     this ambition A–C;     his ambition D, E, &c.

K 1 a,     21.     the clergy A, B;     the Romish clergy C–E, &c.




1582.  Chr. Barker.  Quarto in Eights.

No pagination.  The pages are much broader than in any previous edition of either Book, and contain 39 lines each.  Title-frame an Elizabethan border, exhibiting the Royal Arms at the top, figures of Justice and Religion ? at the upper corners, the Royal supporters at the lower corners, and the initial letters. "C. B." in the centre of the lowest scrollwork.

Book I.  Title in 15 lines: lines 1, 3, 5–8, 14, 15, Italic; the rest, Roman.  There are in all 16 sheets in 8 signatures, A–H. Colophon

[Continued on Page R72]

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at the bottom of H 7 b: "Imprinted at London by Christopher | Barker, Printer to the Queenes | most excellent Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Lines 1–3 Roman, 4 Italic.  The last leaf, H 8, is blank.

Book II.  Title in 12 lines: line 2, Italic; 3, Black Letter; the rest, Roman, "Anno" in Capitals.  There are in all 49½ sheets in 25 signatures, Aa–Bbb, the last with six leaves only.  Colophon on Bbb 6 a: "¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher | Barker, Printer to the Queenes | Maiestie. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  Line 2 Italic, ther rest Roman.  The last page, Bbb 6 b, is blank.

This edition differs in many places from all before it.

Where.  Durham: Bp. Cosin’s Library.

1587. R.  Jugge ?  Quarto in Eights.

No pagination.  The pages are not of uniform width, but all narrower than in the former 4to. editions and nearer to the modern 8vo. shape.  Title-frame of light Elizabethan tracery; at the top, in the centre, the Royal Arms within the Garter; at the bottom, in the centre a pelican in her piety: in the left corner a Cupid bearing in his right hand the letter "R," in the right corner a bush with a nightingale in it and "Iugge" on a scroll above.11

In Book I the Title ends thus: "prayers. | 1587. . | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis."  There are in all 24 sheets in 12 signatures, A–M.

In Book II the Title ends thus: "...agreea | bly. | Anno Domini. | 1587".  There are in all 76 sheets in 38 signatures, A–Pp.

There is no Colophon to either Book.  The last three pages in each are blank.

In the latter half of Book I this edition follows ed. 1582, but in the former half it seems to be printed from one much earlier, perhaps ed.1559.  In Book II it follows ed. 1582.  But in both books there are many variations, some f which shew great carelessness.  It is of now value in regard to the succession of the text, nor is ed. 1595, which follows it; for ed 1623 is based upon ed. 1582, not upon either of these.

Where.  British Museum, "C. 15. a. 17"/1, 2.  Prayer Book and Homily Society.  Oxford: Christ Church.

1595.  Edw. Allde.  Quarto in Eights.

No pagination.  The pages are not uniform width, but mostly

[Continued on Page R73]

11 Ames supposes that this edition was printed by Joan Jugge, widow of Richard.


[Page R73]

narrower even than in 1587.  The title-frame is Elizabethan: at the top, between figures of Fame and Victory ? seated, are the Royal Arms within the Garter and with the Crest; at the bottom, in the corners, are the Royal Supporters, a Lion crowned and a Griffin; immediately below the Title are the Arms of the Stationers’ Company, and still lower, in a blank space between the letters "H" and "D", is the date "1595."

The Title in Book I ends thus: "prayer. | Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis. | Imprinted at London by | Edward Allde." In Book II thus: "Imprinted at London by Edward Allde."  No Colophon to either.  In both Books this edition is reprinted sheet for sheet, perhaps page for page, from ed. 1587, and its registers are the same; but it has a few special readings of its own.

Where.  Lambeth. Prayer Book and Homily Society. Oxford: Bodl., "4o. F. 40. Th."  Colchester: Abp. Harsnett’s Library.


1623.  First Folio Edition.  John Bill.  Folio in Sixes.

Title: "Certaine Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches, In the time of the late Queen Elizabeth of famous memory.  And now thought fit to bee reprinted by Authority from the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.  London, Printed by John Bill, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, 1623."  Title-frame an arch supported by pillars, &c.: on the base are the words "Cum priuilegio."  Before Book II is the old Title with "late" inserted before "Queenes", with the Royal Arms below, and then the Imprint, "London—1623.", but with no Title-frame.

Collation.  Each Book has a separate register and pagination.  Register of Book I: a, of four leaves only, not paged, containing the Title, Preface, and Table, and having the second, sixth, and eighth pages blank; then A–I, the last with two leaves only, making pp. 98 besides the last leaf, which is blank.  Register of Book II: two leaves without signature and not paged, containing the Title, Table, and Admonition, each on one page, and having the fourth page blank; then Aa–Ddd, making pp. 320 besides the last two leaves, of which the former contains the Thanksgiving, the latter has on its first page the Colophon, "London—1623.", and the last page is blank.

This is the latest edition in which changes were made with any semblance of authority.  They were merely verbal, and were intended, like the changes in the First Book in 1559, to make the language plainer.  None of them affect doctrine, and the only alteration which was not verbal was the introduction of the two marginal notes concerning the Emperor Theodosius given at page 165 of this volume.  The Preface

[Continued on Page R74]

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has this heading, "The Preface as it was published in the yeere 1562," although any other year in Elizabeth’s reign from 1559 might have been specified with equal truth.  Probably the reason for naming the year "1562" rather than any other was because the earliest copy of any Elizabethan edition of the First Book in the Lambeth Library was then, as now, a copy of ed. 1562 B.

There were two impressions or issues of this edition, the first two signatures (A and B) or 24 pages having been reprinted.

In the first, 1623 a, the marginal abstracts on those pages are nearly all in the Roman character, whereas through the rest of the volume nearly all are in Italic.

In the second, 1623 b, the Italic character is used in the abstracts on the first 24 pages, as throughout the volume, and not fewer than 13 important variations occur in the text of those pages, two of which serve to shew the priority of 1623 a.

Page.     Line.     Old edd.         1582.         1623 a.         1623 b.

   5,         19.        nedeth           endeth         endeth          tendeth

  19,        15.        deserve        discern        discern        deserve

There is a copy of each impression at Lambeth, the earlier one being on large paper; and copies of one or other are so plentiful that I do not think it necessary to specify the Libraries which contain them.  There are as many as ten in Oxford.

1633.  Folio in Sixes.

Colophon: "London. Printed by John Norton, for Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker ... 1633."

Collation of registers, pagination, &c., the same as in 1623, except that the first signature is "a," not "a".  The Preface before Book I is in Italic character: the Admonition before Book II is (as in 1623) on one page.

1633 and 1635. Folio in Sixes.

Colophon: "London.  Printed by John Norton, for Joyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker ... 1633."

Collation of registers, pagination, &c., the same as in 1623.  The Preface is in Roman character: the Admonition is on two pages.

There are two impressions.  In the first the date in the first Title is "1633", as in the Colophon, but the date in the second Title is "1635".  In the second the date in the first Title is "1635", but the date in the Colophon remains the same, and there seems to be no other change throughout the volume.

1640.  Folio in sixes.

Colophon: "London, Printed by John Norton, for Richard Whitaker: ... 1640."

[Continued on Page R75]

[Page R75]

Collation.  The register is continuous, A–Mm in sixes, Nn of eight leaves: but the pagination is still separate.  Sign. "A" has its first leaf blank, the Title on its second, the Preface beginning on its third, which is falsely signed "A 2," the Table on its fifth, the first, the first Homily and the pagination for Book I beginning on its sixth.  The First Book ends on I 6 b, p. 98.  Sign. "K" has the second Title on its first leaf, the Admonition and Table on its second, and the first Homily and the pagination of Book II beginning on its third.  Book II ends on Nn 6 b, p. 320, and this is the last page marked; Nn 7 contains the Thanksgiving; the Colophon is on Nn 8 a, and Nn 8 b blank.

1673.  Folio in Fours.

"London, Printed by T. R. for Andrew Crooke, Samuel Mearne, and Robert Pawlet, MDCLXXIII. Cum Privilegio."

Collation.  The register and pagination are continuous, the latter beginning from B 1 a; namely, A–M in fours, containing Book I, pp. 88; N, a single sheet, containing the Title, Admonition, and Table of Book II, pp. 89–92; and O–Ddd in fours, containing Book II, pp. 93–388.  No Colophon.

1676.  Folio in Fours.

"London, Printed by T. R. for Samuel Mearne Stationer to the King’s most excellent Majesty, and for Robert Pawlet. MDCLXXVI. Cum Privilegio."  Collation the same as in 1673.

1683.  Folio in Fours.

"London, Printed for Ann Mearn, and Blanch Pawlet, 1683.  Cum Privilegio." Collation the same as in 1673.  This is the latest known edition in Black Letter.

1683.  Folio in Fours.

Two editions, being the first known to have been printed at Oxford, the first also in other than Black Letter.

1.  "Oxford, Printed at the Theatre; and are to be sold by Peter Parker at the Leg and Star over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, London. 1683."

2.  "Oxford, Printed at the Theatre, and are to be sold by Thomas Guy at the Oxford Arms on the West side of the Royal Exchange, London 1683."

By using figures to distinguished these two editions I do not mean to assert that no. 1 is the earlier.  Of no. 2 another impression occurs with a different bookseller’s name in the imprint, being "to be sold by Moses Pitt at the Angel in St. Paul’s Church-yard."  That they are two impressions or issues of the same edition, and not two distinct editions, is shewn by the identity of figures, at the foot of pages, indi-

[Continued on Page R76]

[Page R76]

cating the office-number of the press at which any form was worked off, and by the identity of errors, as in the numbering of pages 256 and 384.

The Collation of the two editions is the same: indeed they run page for page with one another.  The register is continuous: first there is a half sheet without signature containing the Title only; then one sheet, A, containing on its first two pages the Preface (which belongs properly to the First Book), on its third page the Admonition (which belongs properly to the Second Book), and on its fourth page a Table formed by throwing the Tables of both Books into one; then B–Ddd in fours, except N, which is a single sheet.  The pagination begins from B 1 a, and ends on Ddd 2 b, which is page 388; but the numbers 91–94, which would have been the middle numbers of sign.  N had it contained four leaves like the rest, are omitted; the last two leaves also of Ddd are not paged.  The First Book begins on B 1 a, p. 1, and ends on N 1 b, p. 90.  The Second Book begins on N 2 a, p. 95, and ends on Ddd 2 b, p. 388.  The last two leaves of sign. Ddd are filled with the Thirty-nine Articles and the Table of Affinity.  There is no Colophon.

No doubt these editions were specially intended for use in Churches and sometimes they were bound up with the Prayer Book,12 as in the British Museum "3406. f."  No doubt also the original sign.  A contained the Title, Preface, and Table of the First Book; and the inset sheet of sign.  N, which supplied the missing pp. 91–94, contained the Title, Admonition, and Table of the Second Book: but the convenience of having a single Table of Contents in a volume intended for such use was afterwards perceived, and those sheets were cancelled.

1687.13  Duodecimo.

"Certain Sermons of Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory: and now reprinted for the use of private families.  In two Parts.  London: Printed for George Wells at the Sun, Abel Swall at the Unicorn, in St. Paul’s Church-yard, and George Pawlett at the Bible in Chancery-Lane 1687."  Register, A–Ee, A having six leaves only; pp. 646.

[Continued on Page R77]

12 It was usual to read the Homilies from the Desk, not from the Pulpit.

13 In 1685 was published a folio broadsheet, printed on both sides, with this heading: "Godly and wholsome Doctrine, and necessary for these Times: being the Second Part of the Homily concerning the Holy Ghost; dissolving this Doubt" &c., and with this as a Colophon: "London, Printed for Sam. Thomason. 1685."


[Page R77–R80]


Of the editions here marked with an asterisk a complete collation is given in the Various Readings, except that the collation of "1549 G" is only complete for the sentences then added at the beginning of Parts.


*1547 G 1     Bodl., "4o. I. 6. Th. Seld."

1547 G 2       Cambr. Univ. Libr.

1547 G.3       Brit. Mus., "C. 25. g. 5."

1547 G 4       Sion College.

1547 G 5       Brit. Mus., "C. 25. g. 6."

1547 G 6       Rev. John Mendham.

1547 W 1      Exeter College.

1547 W 2      Cambr. Univ. Libr.

1547 W 3      Exeter College.

1548              Exeter College.

*1549 G        C. C. C., Oxford.

1549 W         Bodl., "4o. N. 27. Jur."

1551              St. John’s College, Cambridge, "Qq. II. 13."

*1559            Rev. John Griffiths.

1562 A          Rev. Dr. Corrie.

1562 B          Lambeth.

1563             Wadham College

1569             C. C. C., Oxford.

1574             Bodl., "4o. N. 27*. Jur."

1576             Prayer Book and Homily Society.

1582             Rev. Dr. Corrie.

1587             Rev. Dr. Cardwell.

1595             Lambeth.

*1623           Lambeth.

*1623 a, pp. 1–24     Christ Church, Oxford.


Also In Book I.

BON     Bp. Bonner’s Homilies, 4o.1555; Bodl., "4o. P. 16. Th. BS."

BEC     Becon’s Works, II, 157–162, ed. 1560–4, Bodl., "V. 7. 13. Th."



*1563 A 1     Brit. Mus., "C. 25. h. 3."

*1563 A        St. John’s College, Cambridge, "Qq. II. 7."

1563 B           Lambeth.

1563 C           Rev. Dr. Corrie.

1563 D           Rev. Dr. Corrie.

1563 E           Cambr. Univ. Libr.

1563 F           Rev. John Mendham.

1563 G          Brit. Mus., "C. 25. g."

1563 H          Exeter College.

1567              Rev. John Griffiths.

1570              Brit. Mus., "1026. e. 15"/2.

1571              C. C. C., Oxford.

1574              Bodl., "4o. N. 27. Jur."

1582              Rev. Dr. Corrie.

1587              Rev. Dr. Cardwell.

1595              Lambeth.

*1623            Lambeth.

Homily for the Rogation Days.

*Ed. 1     Lambeth.

Homily Against Rebellion.

*A         St. John’s College, Cambridge, "Hh. 9. 15."

*B         Rev. John Griffiths.

C           Brit. Mus., "225. e. 34."

D           Lambeth.

E           Brit. Mus., "1026. e. 15"/3

Also in Book II.

WHITGIFT         Homilies (selected and abridged) issued by Abp. Whitgift in 1586, with a Form of Prayer for use in the Diocese of Canterbury. St. John’s Coll., Cambridge, "Hh. 9. 15."

*TAV                  Taverner’s Postils as edited by Dr. Cardwell, 8vo. Oxford, 1841; pp. 173–181, and 189–199.



From Which the Authors Here Named are Quoted in the Notes.

St. Ambrose ed.             Benedict. Paris. 1686–90.

St. Augustine ed.            Benedict. Paris. 1689 &c.

St. Basil ed.                   Benedict. Paris. 1721 &c.

St. Bernard ed.               Benedict. Paris. 1719

St. Chrysostom ed.         Benedict. Paris. 1718 &c.

Clemens Romanus, }

the "Recogni- }                 ed. Coteler. Amst. 1724.

tiones" ascribed to,}

St. Jerome ed.                Vallars. Veron. 1734 &c.

Origen ed.                      Benedict. Paris. 1733 &c.

Tertullian                       ed. Oehler, Lips. 1853.

When other Authors are cited by volume and page, the edition is also mentioned.


[Page [R80] "Additions and Corrections" have been made in their designated places.]

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