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Guest of Honor

Papers and Workshops



Conference Costs

Frequently Asked Questions

Serve It Forth! presents
the third session of

European Cooking from Rome to the Renaissance

June 18-19, 2005
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Our honored guest at the conference was John Hudson, Claypotter.  A long term member of the Medieval Pottery Research Group, John Hudson produces reproduction pottery for museums and large houses throughout England. Most of the pottery used in the kitchen areas of Hampton Court Palace, London have been made by John. His most rewarding commission to date has been the floor, ridge tiles and wares for Barley Hall, a reconstructed 15th century house in York. In addition to creating period pottery, John has done extensive research into how pottery was used for actual cooking and will be demonstrating how a period meal can be cooked on a tabletop using reproduction pottery and charcoal.  

Papers and Workshops The following papers and workshops were presented at the conference. The schedule is available here.

The conference program featured classes, papers, panels, and presentations on European cooking from Rome to the Renaissance. There was a hands-on workshop on Sugar Paste, a brewing workshop, and an outdoor workshop on period cooking over open fires. 

The conference featured a wonderful Northern Italian Renaissance banquet on Saturday night limited to 50 diners. Tickets for the banquet were $25 per person.  There were singers, musicians, and courtly dancing. Click here for a look at the menu. Details and photos will be included on the Proceedings CD.

At midday on Saturday there was an informal lunch of meat pies, bread, and salad. 

Membership in the conference was $65 at the door. 

Supporting (non-attending) memberships - which include a CD of the proceedings  - are $15

Make checks out to "Serve It Forth!" and mail to:

Mary Morman
1245 Allegheny Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

or contact Mem Morman about making a payment via PayPal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an SCA event?
No. This will be a conference on food, cooking, and foodways in pre-modern Europe. We expect it to be of interest to many people in the SCA, but it is not sponsored by the SCA. Feel free to bring garb for the evening feasts, but plan on street clothes and your 20th-century persona for classes and conference activities.

Who's running this thing anyway?
Take a look and see.

For questions or additional information contact Mem Morman using the complex (but not difficult) email insturctions to be found on her index page here.

This page was last updated
30 January 2007