Glossary of Astronomical Terms
Aphelion: The point
in an planet’s orbit when it is farthest from the Sun.
Apogee: The point in the
Moon’s or planet’s orbit when it is farthest from the Earth.
The glow in the Earth’s ionosphere caused by the interaction
between the Earth’s magnetic field and charged particles from
the Sun. It is know as Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis in the Northern
Hemisphere and the Aurora Australis in the Southern Hemisphere.
An icy object in independent orbit about the Sun that is smaller than
a planet, usually having a highly elliptical orbit extending out beyond
When two bodies appear close together in the sky usually within 15
degrees or less.
An grouping of stars which form a pattern.
Earth shine:
Light reflected from the Earth’s atmosphere onto the dark part
of the New Moon.
When the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth.
The visible path of the Sun and planets as seen against the stars.
The plane of the Earth’s equator is inclined at 23.5 degrees
to its orbit and the ecliptic is inclined to the celestial equator
by the same angle. The ecliptic intersects the celestial equator at
the two equinoxes.
This is the time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator. There
are two equinoxes: Vernal (Spring), around March 21st and Autumnal
(Autumn) around September 23rd. On these dates, day and night are
Moon: The Moon when it lies directly opposite of the Sun.
The Moon is full two weeks after New Moon. The full moon rises at
sunset and sets at sunrise.
Vast star systems containing thousands of billions of stars, dust
and gas, held together by gravity. There are three main classes of
galaxies: elliptical, spiral and barred, named after their appearance.
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
Inferior Conjunction: When Mercury or Venus are directly between the Sun and Earth.
Inferior Planets: The planets
(Mercury and Venus) that orbit between the Earth and the Sun. Also
known as the inner planets.
Also known as a shooting star or falling star, it is a bright streak
of light in the sky caused by a meteoroid as it burns up in the Earth’s
atmosphere. A meteor that survives its trip through the
Earth’s atmosphere and lands on the ground is called a meteorite.
Meteor Shower:
An increased number of meteors appearing to radiate from a single
area within a constellation at certain times of the year when the
Earth crosses the debris trail of comets.
Way: The name of our own spiral galaxy and the band of
light from the combined glow of stars and galaxies that lie along
the galaxy’s equatorial plane.
Planets: Another term for asteroids.
A naturally occurring satellite or relatively large body orbiting
a planet.
Naked Eye (Unaided
Eye): A term used to describe observing without the aid
of optical instruments.
Moon: The Moon when it lies in the same direction as the
Sun and the beginning of a cycle of lunar phases. The New Moon rises
and sets with the Sun.
A position of an outer planet when it appears opposite the Sun (inner
planets cannot come into opposition).
Orbit: The path of a celestial body around another due
to the influence of gravity.
The point in the Moon’s or planet’s orbit when it is closest
to Earth.
The point in an planet’s orbit when it is closest to the Sun.
Retrograde: The
movement of a planet when it appears to travel backwards.
Solar Cycle: The
11-year variation in sunspot activity. More sunspots are seen at the
solar maxima with a quiet Sun occurring during the minima.
This is the time when the Sun reaches its most northerly
or southerly point. It marks the beginning of Summer and Winter in
the Northern Hemisphere and the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.
Summer solstice occurs on June 21st and winter solstice on December
Star Cluster: A loose association of stars within the the
Milky Way. Examples are the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) Hyades clusters.
Sunspot: A cooler region of the Sun’s photosphere
which appears as a dark spot on the Sun’s disc. It is caused
by concentrations of magnetic flux occurring in groups or clusters.
The number of sunspots varies according to the Sun’s 11 year
Superior Conjunction: This is when Mercury or Venus are
behind the Sun.
Superior Planets:
These are the planets beyond the Earth's orbit (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Also known as the outer planets.
Transit: The
visible journey of Mercury or Venus across the Sun’s disc or
of a planet’s moon across the disc of that planet.
Twilight: The time preceding
sunrise and following sunset when the sky is partially illuminated.
Civil twilight occurs when the central point of the Sun’s disk
is between 90°50' and 96°, nautical twilight from 96°
to 102°, and astronomical twilight from 102° to 108°.
Crescent: The phase of the Moon between third quarter and
new moon. Waning means declining or fading.
Gibbous: The phase of the Moon between New Moon and Last
Waxing Crescent:
The phase of the Moon between New Moon and First Quarter. Waxing means
Waxing Gibbous:
The phase of the Moon between First Quarter and Full. Gibbous refers to when the Moon is more than half lit but less than fully lit.
Zodiac: The twelve constellations
(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) that formed an ancient calendar of
the Sun’s progress in the sky during one Earth-year. Also, it
is the visible path followed by the Sun, Moon and most planets, lying
within 10 degrees of the celestial equator.