5th planet from the Sun, the largest planet in the solar system |
Average distance from the Sun |
778,330,000 km / 5.20 AU |
Diameter |
142,984 km (equatorial) |
Mass |
1.900e27 kg |
Orbital period around the Sun |
11.86 Earth years / 4330 Earth days |
Number of moons |
more than 60 moons |
Jupiter has an interesting feature called the Great Red Spot, a huge storm of swirling gas that has lasted for hundreds of years. Three Earths would fit within the boundaries of the Great Red Spot, which appears brownish-red. Jupiter has more than 60 known moons including four—Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto—that were discovered in 1610 when Galileo was the first to view it through a telescope. They can be seen easily through binoculars or a small telescope. Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system—larger than even the planet Mercury—and is the first moon known to have its own magnetic field. |