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Solar System

Comet Hale-Bopp

Average distance from the Sun     highly elongated orbit that takes it very close to the Sun and then
  flings it out into the outer solar system, well past the orbit of Pluto
Diameter of Nucleus     40-80 km
Mass     not determined
Orbital period around the Sun     2,392 Earth years
Comet, Halley
Hale-Bopp has a very large nucleus—most comet nuclei measure only 1.6 to 3.2 km, or 1-2 miles, in diameter. It could be seen in the sky for a record 19 months—from May 1996 to November 1997—and was visible through the bright skies of cities.

Our Solar System

Our solar system is located on the edge of a spiral arm called Orion’s Arm, and is one-half to two-thirds of the way (28,000 light-years) from the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

The Sun, Sol

The Inner Planets
    The Moon

The Asteroid Belt
  Dwarf planet, Ceres
  Asteroid, Ida
  Asteroid, Vesta
  Asteroid, Eros

The Outer Planets

The Kuiper Belt
  Dwarf planet, Pluto
  Dwarf planet, Eris

The Oort Cloud
  Dwarf planet, Sedna
  Comet Halley
  Comet Hale-Bopp

  Glossary of Terms
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