Closest planet to the Sun, the eighth largest planet in the solar system |
Average distance from the Sun |
57,910,000 km / 0.38 AU |
Diameter |
4,880 km |
Mass |
3.30e23 kg |
Orbital period around the Sun |
0.24 Earth years / 88 Earth days |
Number of moons |
0 |
Because of its proximity to the Sun, temperature variations on Mercury are the most extreme in the solar system ranging from –170º C (–270º F) to 430º C (800º F). Its solid surface is covered with craters and it has almost no atmosphere. There is evidence of ice in the protected shadows of craters near the north pole. Mercury is best viewed with a small telescope or binoculars during its greatest western or eastern elongation, during pre-dawn or early sunset. |