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SPAWN Movie Review Page
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Last Updated: 10/13/97
I will be in the CHAT ROOM again...
Someday, Sometime, Soon- busy collecting right now!
TO CONFIRM IT IS REALLY ME: Ask me about the OS I used to write the first List!
I will ALWAYS have my user information COMPLETELY filled out, TOO!
Also- I tend to NOT be rude! If there is a lot of cussing or put-downs coming from someone with the right name, it most likely WILL NOT be me! Most of the time, I should use the name “Warstar” or a variant of that name (heh- I can do variations too, Todd!)!
Now, onto business:
The Movie is just too WEIRD! Ok, maybe not weird, but REALLY COOL! I think it all depends on age group- I bet if you’re 14-18, you think this movie ROCKED! If you’re 19-23 (Like me), you think...hmmm...seen some of this in “Mortal Kombat!” You might have thought, “Good, but won’t last,” too.
(I wonder how elaborate I will have to get to get a response to that demand above!)
Director Mark Dippe (forgive that I miss the accent) just could not get away from the “Mortal Kombat-esque” stuff. Everytime we see “Hell” the audience thinks “Hmmm...the Outworld?” Negative Kudos to Frank Welker for using the same D@MN voice he uses in all of his shows for “Malebolgia-” that pieved me (and what was the deal with the “-” slits in Malebolgia’s peepers? Never seen those before!)
What about The Story? Well...let’s just say READ THE COMIC!!! The story in the movie does SPAWN SoMe justice...sort of...The character of “Spaz” is certainly more important in the Movie, but he IS a cool Dog!
They could have named the movie “CLOWN!” John Liquizamo (FoRgIvE my spelling) absolutely KICKED @$$ as The Clown. He was definitely in character...Jason Wynn? Granted, Martin Sheen did a good job, BUT Jason Wynn would NEVER go out on an operation himself. He just does not have the motivation (Why go when he has all of his organization to do it for him?) I was disappointed in his character. Cogliostro was done SUPRISINGLY WELL! I think Todd needs to make a figure of him, don’t you?
D. B. Sweeny actually pulled of Terry Fitzgerald- even though the character in the comic is an American-African. Wanda was also executed quite well, too. The comic is just recently acquainting us with Jessica Priest, so I can’t really say if she was “done” right! The REAL show stopper was Michael Jai White- he made my day! He practically nailed SPAWN! Give him some better dialogue and a little more stuff to do and I could easily watch him in the role again (HINT HINT!)
I will definitely say that it absolutely GAVE ME CHILLS to see SPAWN LIVE ACTION! REAL! The Cape effects ARE REALLY WORTH IT! Some of the effects scenes (like the Motorcycle/Truck Chase) were unnecessary, but still well done.
Some of the sets (the Church, the Alley, etc.) and cinematography (Rain, Lightning, etc.), to say nothing of Graeme Revel’s Score (WHICH THEY HAD BETTER RELEASE ON AN ALBUM OF ITS OWN!) reminded me of “The Crow.” How about you? Speaking of the soundtrack, be on the look out for the Soundtrack Album, and the two COVER VARIATIONS! (SIGH- Can’t Todd do anything WITHOUT variants?). One cover has the Movie Face Logo and the other sports a picture of the Comic Book SPAWN holding some serious hardware. The Mini-poster inside the “Comic” cover is a picture of SPAWN’S “Grim Reaper” face! COOL!
GO SEE THIS FILM AT YOUR LOCAL THEATER! NOW! And be prepared for a bunch of new “Spawnies” to make finding action figure variants all the much more difficult!
I saw the movie twice in a row- the first time WOW! The second time- Hmmm...
Both times: EXCELLENT...but...! Feel free to e-mail your opinions on it!
In the meantime, look for the following “Easter Eggs” in the Movie:
1. ANGELA! She’s in there, dude! The Actress Laura Stepp (Check the Credits!) does the honors!
Can we say “SPAWN RETURNS?” (Oh yeah that’s been done...Hmmm...”SPAWN II?” That might work...)
2. A little Heart shaped sign with the Clown on it that says “Love and Bondage.”
(Here’s a hint- look on a REARVIEW MIRROR in a CAR...)
3. Todd McFarlane HIMSELF- in the alley where he really lives! (He he he just kidding about the alley...BUT...I think VIOLATOR should have picked HIM up and roughed HIM up a bit- I would have never left the theater! Maybe VIOLATOR should have crunched up a few action figures too...hmmm...Maybe VIOLATOR SHOULD KICK GODZILLA’S BUTTOCKS IN NEXT YEAR’S “GODZILLA” MOVIE! THEN VIOLATOR COULD LEVEL LOS ANGELES! THEN NEW YORK! THEN THE WORLD!!! HA HA HA...HE HE...Sorry ‘bout that.)
4. A REALLY bizarre Bronze face plate in a REALLY weird spot!
(Here’s a hint: Can we say “Backyard?”)
5. The words “King for a Day” OR “Black November” on a computer screen...(Good luck on these two! I was surprised I caught them!)
6. (Thanks to Steve Kisielka for telling me I missed this one!) Sam and Twitch! They’re in there, too!
All in all, One thumb WAAAAY UP (Special effects, SPAWN, Cogliostro, Terry, Wanda) and another thumb in the middle (Story, Plot, Priest, Wynn)! Go see the movie for yourself, then go to the SPAWN Chat Room here at this website and we can talk about it!
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