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A Human/Alien/Cyber SPAWN all rolled into one. RE-ANIMATED SPAWN comes with a loose, human head that looks a lot like OVERKILL’s. He has a Bone Weapon with a Blade on one end. Large, Black shield-type Wings attach via a backpack on the figure. |
Pail Green Half-Alien Body, Reddish Half-Human Body. Light Red-Orange Bone Weapon without Blood Spatters. Silver body accents. Human Head accessory is packaged in the lower Right-hand section of the inner bubble behind the Alien Hand. |
December, 1998 |
A Human/Alien/Cyber SPAWN all rolled into one. RE-ANIMATED SPAWN comes with a loose, human head that looks a lot like OVERKILL’s. He has a Bone Weapon with a Blade on one end. Large, Black shield-type Wings attach via a backpack on the figure. |
Pail Green Half-Alien Body, Reddish Half-Human Body. Light Red-Orange Bone Weapon without Blood Spatters. Silver body accents. Human Head accessory is packaged in the lower right section of the inner bubble behind the Alien Hand. |
December 1998 |
Pail Green Half-Alien Body, Tan Half-Human Body with Reddish-Tan accents. Tan, Green-tinged Bone Weapon with Dark Green Blood Spatters on the Blade end. Silver body accents. Human Head accessory is packaged in the upper right section of the inner bubble to the right of the figure’s head. |
Late December 1998 |
SPAWN IV | “Straight from the cover of Spawn 55.” SPAWN IV comes with a large Chain Gun that has a spinning action. He also sports a removable plastic Bandana, a knife, pistol and two mid-sized Guns (one with a bayonet attached). |
Black Body with Red Armour. Brown Ammunition Belts and Packs. Green Grenades and Patches. “Bone” colored Skull accents. Face has no Mask. Yellow Teeth and Dark Green Eyes. Extra Eye-Mask packed in lower right corner of inner bubble. |
December 1998 |
Black Body with Red Armour. Brown Ammunition Belts and Packs. Green Grenades and Patches. “Bone” colored Skull accents. Black and White SPAWN Mask on Face. Dark Green Eyes. Space for Eye-Mask packed in lower right corner of inner bubble has been removed. |
Late December 1998 |
Based on Greg Capullo’s Comic Book character of the same name. THE CREECH is one LARGE figure, and comes with two small Arm Blaster attachments. He also has bendable tentacle-like “hair” on his head. |
Green Body. Red Gloves and Boots with Silver and Gold highlights. Black Torso section. Gray bendable tentacles on head. Red and Yellow eyes. |
December, 1998 |
Green Body. Red Gloves and Boots with Silver and Gold highlights. Black Torso section. Gray bendable tentacles on head. Red and Yellow eyes. |
Late December 1998 |
The Top half of the Two figure “Gruesome Twosome” combination, TOP GUN has a tab on his lower abdomen where BOTTOM LINE’s neck attaches. TOP GUN has two large guns, and one is able to squrit water. Both “hands” extend. |
Black and Silver Body with Red accents. Yellow Accents and Eyes. |
December, 1999 |
TOP GUN was the THIRD McFarlane Toys SPAWN Action Figure to have an Accessory that shoots Water. |
Black and Silver Body with Red accents. Yellow Accents and Eyes. |
Late December 1999 |
TOP GUN was the THIRD McFarlane Toys SPAWN Action Figure to have an Accessory that shoots Water. |
The Bottom half of the Two figure “Gruesome Twosome” combination, BOTTOM LINE’s head ejects with the touch of a button. The gap left attaches to TOP GUN’s lower torso. BOTTOM LINE only comes with a piece of Chest armour. Both hands have articulate fingers. |
Maroon Armour with Yellow accents. Black Body and Dark Grey Hands. Yellow Eyes. Over 10 plastic tubes attached to various places on Body. |
December, 1999 |
Maroon Armour with Yellow accents. Black Body and Dark Grey Hands. Yellow Eyes. Over 10 plastic tubes attached to various places on Body. |
Late December 1999 |
THE HEAP appeared in the Spawn Comic Book issues 73 and 74. THE HEAP is a revitalized 1950’s Eclipse Comics character. THE HEAP can come with any of the following accessories: Toilet Seat, Mask, Tire, Shovel Handle, Two Plastic “Metal” Bars, Tubing, Numerous Bones (Skull, Vertebrae, Hand, Femur, Tail Bone), Framing, Seat, Numerous Bottles, Hammer, Scissors, Meat Cleaver and Numerous “Pipes.” THE HEAP has a mouth that can open and close, and the later versions are able to have Trash pieces in the mouth. |
THE HEAP has the highest number of possible variations in the entire SPAWN Action Figure Line, mostly because of a lot of the mold and accessory variations. This section is intended to give you a better understanding of what makes THE HEAP so special. 1. THE HEAP has 19 slots on his body where plastic “glass” shards can be glued. There is no set way (meaning axis of orientation) for the pieces to be glued into the slots, and different shards of this plastic “glass” can be found in each and every slot on different figures. TRANSLATION: 19 Slots, 19 different glass shards= 361 possible variants- with Glass alone! This does not count how they can be glued in (i.e. 45 degree angle, 90 degree angle, etc.) 2. There are two eye color versions. The early release figures have Deep Blue eyes while the later release figures have White eyes. So- 2 Eye colors times 361 glass shard variants= 722 variations. But wait- there’s more! 3. Early versions of THE HEAP had plastic trash pieces glued into their mouths. Later release figures have no trash in their mouths. There are 25 slots on THE HEAP with different trash parts glued into them. Though the parts are always glued in the same place on the body, the ones inside the “Glue Mouths” can be different from figure to figure- AND the number of pieces in the mouth depended on the size of the trash! SO- 722 times 25 trash pieces in the mouth divided up any number of ways (up to 25 pieces arranged 25 different ways in all)= 451,250 variations. THERE’S STILL MORE! 4. THE HEAP, both early versions and later versions, came with spare trash pieces to put in the mouth! Once again, the number of pieces with each figure depended on their size (Just a note- I think CRUTCH’s mask, THE FREAK’s meat cleaver and COMMANDO SPAWN’s headset were the coolest trash pieces). SO! We have 451,250 times 25 different trash pieces packed in combination with the other 25 pieces... 5. WAIT- Times two more- the two pieces of newspaper glued to the top of figure can be switched around on all of the variations, leaving... If anyone, ANYWHERE, finds two of THE HEAP that are exactly alike, SEALED IN THE BUBBLE (Mint on Card), let me know! REMEMBER- the GLASS and ORIENTATION of the GLASS would have to be the same, too! I don’t think that two could ever be made exactly alike...I would give anyone a place of honor here at the Master List if they find 2 that are EXACTLY alike... *NOTE: My math has been wrong before- if I am screwed up this time, feel free to let me know. The listing below is meant to be a guide to THE HEAP variations only. There are obviously more than 2 variants to THE HEAP, but until a major accessory or coloration change, only these two will be listed. |
Dark Green and Brown Body. Yellow and Brown Teeth. Dark Blue Eyes. Trash pieces glued into mouth. Dark and Light Green in Mouth. |
December 1998 |
Dark Green and Brown Body. Yellow and Brown Teeth. White Eyes. No Trash in mouth. Dark and Light Green in Mouth. |
Late December 1998 |
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One NASTY remake of the popular Series 4 figure. This figure is shipped in a deluxe box, similar to the Series 6 MUTANT SPAWN. Easily one of the lagest figures ever made in the SPAWN Action Figure line, CY-GOR 2 comes with a smaller Cyber-Monkey named “Greystoke.” He also features real chains and a removable arm with 2 attachments. CY-GOR’s chest also opens to reveal a place where Greystoke can be stored. |
Silver Armour and Black Fur. Pyamid/Triangle “Tattoo” markings on armour. Several Multi-colored plastic tubes attach on various places on the figure. Purple Armour accents. |
December 1999 |
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