"Above & Beyond"
A Hero’s Story Master Sergeant Wm. J. Crawford WWII Medal of Honor Recipient

This is the true account of conspicuous gallantry in action at risk of life beyond the call of duty during World War II. While facing an overwhelming number of Germany’s best forces, this unassuming hero single handedly defeated the enemy before him and ensured his company's unobstructed advance.
Bill Crawford was presumed dead in this heroic action and the Medal of Honor was presented posthumously to his father in 1944. Forty years later, during the 1984 U.S. Air Force Academy Commencement ceremony, President Ronald Reagan formally presented the Medal of Honor to William Crawford for his unflinching heroism, far Above & Beyond the call of duty.
Written, produced, and directed by Jim Sawatzki
Produced by the Palmer Lake Historical Society and the Community Video Center of the Pikes Peak Library District. All rights reserved. © 2001
Major Funding: The Palmer Lake Historical Society
Additional Funding: Monument/Palmer Lake Kiwanis
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #4051 Pikes Peak Chapter
Colo. Springs Chapter, Military Order Of The World Wars &
The Rocky Mountain Youth Leadership Foundation, Inc.
Monument Hill Sertomans
$24.99 DVD
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P.O. Box 42 Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133