Now streaming "Star on Sundance" on Vimeo with more titles coming.

"Star On Sundance"
This giant 500 foot star can be seen for over 20 miles shining on a
ridgeline between Denver and Colorado Springs.
It was built during the depths of the Great Depression by determined
citizens wishing to spread a light of hope and goodwill during the
Christmas Season.
See this display of 92, 9 watt L.E.D.'s like never before from
magnificent drone aerial views. Learn why the history of this iconic
symbol is an inspiration for all.
Produced for the Palmer Lake Volunteer Fire Department guardians
of the Star on Sundance, the world's largest illuminated star.

Star on Sundance Trailer
A Jim Sawatzki Picture
Narrator: Quinn Riley
Video Editor: Lynn Roth
Script Editor: Diane Sawatzki
Original Music: Jennifer Griffis
Co Producers: Peter Blaney & Jack Anthony
DVD also includes bonus material.
Produced for The Palmer Lake Volunteer Fire Department guardians of the Star Sundance. All rights reserved. © 2016 Palmer Divide Productions LLC
$24.99 DVD
For inquiries:
-- correspondence --
P.O. Box 42 Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133